Chapter 1

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Lisa p.o.v
~first day of high school~

*buzz buzz buzz*
If someone doesn't turn that damn alarm off I will slap a hoe. I felt soft warm hands go into the back of my shirt and slowly and softly rub my back. While a pair of very soft lips are on my ear.

"Lisa it's time to get up, you gotta get ready for school cause I'm heading out right now for a meeting."

I groan turning away from that angelic voice in hopes that I can sleep longer but with Satan on my side... that didn't work out. I felt a sharp pain on my arm. The hell? Did she just pinch me?! Oh hell no.

I turn to face her and I grabbed her swiftly pinning her down on the bed with her hands trapped in my slightly larger hands. I rest my head on her chest and I shook my head to tell her that I didn't want to get up.

"Lisa if you don't get off me in the next five seconds I won't kiss you for a whole week." She told me with a little bite in her tone and I quickly released her hands so that I can sit on her lap so that I can reply back to her.

"No Jennie, I'm sorry. Forgive me? Please?" I sign to Jennie giving her my best puppy eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, you make me feel like I just ran over your dog. Get up baby, I made breakfast. It's on the table, don't forget to eat it. I gotta go to my meeting, I'll see you soon okay." She pushed me off of her gently as if not to hurt me and she starts to put on her shoes, getting her things together so that she can go.

I ran up to her before she can leave and I tapped on her shoulder rapidly getting her attention on me. "Wait. You forgot something." She looks at me with her cute confused face. "You forgot my good morning kiss." I signed to her with a shy smile with my eyes downcast, with a slight blush on my cheeks.

"How could I forget to do that? Come here." I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her towards me while her arms go around my neck. One of her hands is on my cheek and the other is on the back of my neck slightly gripping it.

She pulls my head down while she goes on her tippy toes and she presses her soft lips on mine. I gripped her waist tighter, trying to pull her a close as I can while I turn my head slightly to the right to deepen the kiss. She moans softly when I lightly bit her bottom lip. She moved her right hand from my cheek to put it under my shirt right on top of my toned stomach. She lightly scratches the skin there. She then bites on my lower lip, pulling it as she backs away from the kiss, releasing it with a soft pop.

Jennie looks at me and gives me a beautiful smile before she gives me a quick peck. She then checks her watch and she quickly grabbed her things running out the door.

"Bye baby, I love you. I'll see you later. Don't forget to eat." She gets in her car then drives away

I love you too, Jennie Kim Manoban. My beautiful wife.

~at school~

Why the hell am I here? Why couldn't I just stay home and I don't know play apex with some online friends?

Oh that's right my wife wouldn't let me. I walked to my first period class keeping my head low so no one would bully me this morning. But unfortunately satan seems to be my best friend today.

"Hey where you going mute? Bet you don't speak cause your voice ugly as fuck." The biggest bully aka Jason. I understand why he bullies it's because he's so ugly, so that's why he wants to make everyone feel like shit. I mean I feel like shit every time I look at him.

He slammed me into the lockers when I didn't reply back to him cause uhhh duhhh I kinda cant. Soon enough a crowd starts to form around us as he continues to say hurtful and untrue stuff about me. I just continue to look at the floor but wrong move.

Jason grabs me by my hoodie and he slams me on the floor, getting on top of me and punching my face and anywhere he can get his hands on. People are cheering him on. I can taste the blood in my mouth from all the hits that he's giving me.


"HEY GET OFF OF HER" I feel the weight get off of me to see two teachers drag Jason off of me while he's still screaming saying to let him finish what he started. The crowd runs away to leave me behind.

"Baby are you okay?" I look to my right to see Jennie running to me. She helps me up from the floor and leads me to her room which thankfully is empty seeing as she has a free period right now.

"I'm fine Jennie , never better." I slightly role my eyes and turned away from her only to bump into a desk. I groan in pain, damn that bitch got me good.

She walks to me and sits me on her chair while she looks for something in her cabinets. She walks back to me with a first aid kit and she starts treating my wounds. I can't see how busted up I look but by the look of her face it's pretty bad.

"I'm gonna ignore that you had that attitude with me only because you're hurt. Next time you have that attitude with me you're sleeping on the couch." She tells me with a straight face. "Last time she'll disrespect her wife" she whispered under her breath thinking I won't hear her.

I grabbed her hands resting them on my lap as I look into her eyes. I put my right hand in a closed fist as I bring it up to the left side of my chest and I rotate it counter clockwise.

"I know you're sorry baby but I'm sorry too I should've brought you with me this morning so that this wouldn't have happened." She gives me a quick little kiss.

"It's okay Jennie but I will not sleep on the couch. Simply because I can't be away from you, you give me life and meaning. I love you Jennie Kim Manoban." I bring her into another kiss filled with love and affection. Just taking my time to show her that I love her.

*ring ring ring*

I get up and grab my stuff heading for the door. I look back at her when she calls my name.

"I love you too Lalisa Manoban Kim." She signed to me, making a big smile come on my face.

What a damn way to start to school year. I'm just lucky I have her, my one and only love.


So I had testing today and god was it a bitch but I think I did good since it was easy. It's either I'm really smart and that's why I think it was easy or I'm stupid and my brain didn't understand what the fuck I did so it pretended that I knew what I was doing.

So guys leave your comments and ideas for this book down below. It's very much appreciated. Hoped you liked this chapter.

Bye my little burritos 🖖🏽


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