The School Day

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Domino Duel High

The next day, when Alan walked into school, he was swarmed by tons of other kids his age, thanking him for dealing with Peter and his bullying ways. "It's no big deal guys, he was just challenging me and he lost, plain and simple.". 

The crowd soon dispersed after the bell had rung, signaling class had started. Alan went along with the crowd to his classroom, Class 1-3. As Alan walked into class, it was packed full of students that came here to learn how to properly duel from some of the best duelists around. Alan took his seat in the second row closest to the door.

"Well, if it isn't the man himself! They're calling you the Bully Beater y'know?" Alan turned his head to look at the new voice. A boy as tall as Alan with raven black hair and a permanent grin plastered on his face. "Bully Beater? Come on, we all know you started that trend, Dan." Dan grinned sheepishly "Maybe.". Dan took a seat next to Alan and started peppering him with questions about his duel with Peter. "So, what was it like, facing down the biggest baddie known to the school?". "Tough, he had me in the first half of the duel, it was only by me using Burner that I was actually able to win.". Dan leaned back in his chair, rocking it back and forth, "Really? Would have thought with his level of competence I'm surprised he made it past the first few turns." Alan chuckled. "Gotta give him some credit, he's a good duelist, just doesn't know how to be a good person.". Dan laughed, "And there he goes again, defending even the worst person in this school.". Just then, the teacher walked in, duel disk in hand with deck inserted and ready to duel. The entire room's atmosphere shifted to buzzing with positivity to a grimlike graveyard. "Scratch that, second worst." Dan stopped rocking on his chair. The teacher walked up to the podium at the front of the room, watching over the class. The teacher had brown hair that was beginning to grey around the sides, and a set of low hanging glasses.

"I assume you've all been doing your dueling work and not been messing around instead, unlike Mr. Daniel over there." The teacher broke with an air of authority, eyes pointed at Dan, who was not paying attention. "Huh what? Sorry teach, you're so boring that I zoned out." Dan cracked a smile. "Well, here's something to make sure you're listening. First duel of today will be Daniel Fergus against Lilly Grain.". That wiped the smile right off of Dan's face as he slumped back down in his chair. "Not Lilly...". Dan held his head in his hands and groaned. "Cheer up pal, atleast she's not going psycho over you right now." Alan feebly attempted to cheer his friend up. "That's easy for you to say." Dan muttered under his breath.

A girl stood up from the back of the class, she had Blue hair and was carrying around a red Duel Disk. She walked to the front of the class, where a duel arena was raising from the ground. "Mr. Daniel, I believe your opponent is waiting for you." The teacher said in an attempt to hurry Dan up. "Yeah, yeah. Hold your damn horses." Dan muttered under his breath.

Dan strapped on his Duel Disk and went up to the Arena, taking his place on the opposite side of Lilly. "If it isn't my betrothed. Come to finally admit you and I were made for each other?" Lilly spoke with a haughty attitude, one of the many things Dan hated about her. "Shut up and get to dueling." Dan replied, no evidence of joy in his eyes. "Very well Daniel." Lilly activated her Duel Disk, as did Dan. "Duel!" They both shouted out.

Dan LP: 4000 

Lilly LP: 4000

"I think I will begin, I draw." Lilly calmly drew a card and added it to her hand. "First, I will summon Valkyrie Dritte in DEF position." A shimmering light decended onto the field and soon faded, revealing the Valkyrie in all her glory.

The Valkyrie rose her sword in preperation for battle. (Valkyrie Dritte: ATK: 1000, DEF: 1600).

"I will now activate her effect, allowing me to search my deck for another Valkyrie and add it to my hand." Lilly's deck shuffled itself and protruded a card from the middle of her deck. "And I will add Valkyrie Zweite to my hand. I will end there.".

"Fine then, it's my turn now, I draw!" Dan drew a card from his deck. "I'll start by summoning Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts in DEF mode!" The bleating of a goat is heard before in a flash of light it appears.

Tanngrisnir let out a bleat before taking a defensive position. (Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beats: ATK: 1200, DEF: 800). "And that'll be it for my turn." Dan stared down Lilly, who was unphased by his stare.

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