The AI

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Dan returned to his seat with a smile on his face, while Lilly hurried past, gaze to the floor and cheeks flushed red due to embarrassment. The class was buzzing with excitement after that duel.

"Well, you sure humiliated her." Alan commented as Dan slipped into his seat, leaning it back. "Sure did, it'll make her think twice before coming after me again.", "Or it'll make her pine after you even more, speaking of, why is she after you again?" Alan questioned his friend. "I've told you so many times now, I'll tell you later."

"Yes, yes. Settle down. The duel was marvellous but we must continue on." The teacher spoke, quieting the class down. "For the next duel, we have Alan Green against...Oh? Hm, this is unexpected." The teacher skimmed over the notes he held, reading them closely. "It appears that Alan will be facing a prototype Duel AI. The DUL-001." The buzzing started up again, only this time it was stronger. Dan looked at Alan, puzzled. "Out of everyone here, why you?" Dan questioned. "Beats me."

"Settle down, Settle down!" The teacher raised his voice in order to be heard over the class, which quickly quietened. "Now, we'll be heading to a special institute in order to use this AI, if this practice run of the AI is successful, it may be mass produced for recreational activities. This is a special honour, one we should not squander. Let's go." The class packed up their equipment and headed out the door, eager to see how this duel would go.

---------------------[ADVANCED AI RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE - TESTING ROOM A]------------------------------

Alan's classed stepped through the entrance to the Testing Room, where a man in a white suit was waiting for them. "Ah, excellent! I presume this is Alan Green's class?" he spoke with a jovial tone, as if everything was all smiles for him. A shudder went up Alan's spine, this man gave him a bad vibe. 

"Yes, I am their teacher, Richard Simmons." Richard reached out his hand for a handshake, to which the man obliged. "Excellent, I am Professor Gerald Hold. May Alan step forwards, please?" Alan stepped forwards, "Excellent, now if the rest of you will follow me to the Observation room?" Gerald led the class out of the room and the doors slid shut, leaving Alan alone. A speaker in the room came to life and a new person's voice came out, "Welcome Alan, this is a quick test of our Prototype Dueling AI, we've outfitted it with what a duelist needs, all you need to do is duel it, winning or losing does not matter." the speaker went silent, and a hatch in the roof opened up.

What seemed to be an old fashioned steering wheel, like the ones you would see on a boat, descended from the ceiling stopping a few metres off the ground. A robotic voice spoke from the robot, "POWERING ON: DUEL MODE ACTIVATED. OPPONENT - ACTIVATE YOUR DUEL DISK." "Alright then, you creepy scrapheap..." Alan activated his disk. "OPPONENT DETECTED: LOADING DECK INFORMATION." The robot went silent for a moment, before speaking again. "DECK INFORMATION LOADED: ACTIVATING DUELING INTERFACE."

"PREPARE TO DUEL." Five cards slid out of a hole on the underside of the robot, while a duel disk emerged from the side and moved around to the robot's front. "Alright, Let's duel!" Alan drew his five cards and stared the robot down.

Alan LP: 4000

DUL-001 LP: 4000

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