A Duel Between Two Classes

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Dan LP: 4000

Lilly LP: 4000

"A mere goat will not be enough to defeat my Valkyires. You should surrender while you still have the chance." Lilly taunted, hoping to throw Dan off his game. "Not. A. Chance." Dan set two cards and ended his turn.

"My turn then. I draw." Lilly drew a card. "I will tribute my Valkyrie Dritte in order to allow Valkyrie Zweite to come forth." Dritte was covered in a blinding light, when the light died down, a bigger Valkyrie had taken her place. 

Zweite gave her sword a few practice swings before taking an offensive pose. (Valkyrie Zweite: ATK: 1600, DEF: 1600.).

"And now for my Zweite's effect. I can choose one monster on your side of the field and destroy it. And I will choose your measly goat." Zweite charged forth and slashed into Tanngrisnir, shattering the goat. "And now, for my Battle Phase. Zweite will attack you directly." Zweite leaped towards Dan and slashed him across the chest, knocking him onto his behind.

 Dan LP: 2400

"Ow..." Dan rubbed his behind and got off the floor. "And with that, my turn has ended.". "Good, cause now it's time for me to come back, I draw!" Dan drew a card. "I'll set one monster face down on the field and end my turn." A card appeared on the field, and disappeared as soon as it came.

"Soon enough Daniel, you will be mine. I draw." Lilly drew. "I will activate the spell card Mischief of the Time Goddess." A small girl wielding a staff appeared in the middle of the field, giggling. "Now I summon Valkyrie Vierte." Another light appeared and when it faded away, another Valkyrie appeared.

Vierte gave a small cry of battle and pointed her sword at Dan. (Valkyrie Vierte: ATK: 1400, DEF: 1400.).

"Vierte's effect will now activate. Since I control two Valkyries, I can excavate two cards from the top of my deck. If one of them is a spell or trap card, I may add it to my hand." Lilly took two cards from her deck and looked at them, then selected one of them and added to her hand, discarding the other.

"Now. Valkyrie Zweite. Attack." Zweite charged again, swinging her sword at Dan, before Dan's facedown monster's card flipped up. A giant hamster appeared on the field, blocking Zweite's sword swing. The shock wave that her sword made hit Lilly.

Lilly LP: 3800

"Say hello to Super-Nimble Mega Hamster!" Dan called out.

Mega Hamster let out a chitter of battle. (Super-Nimble Mega Hamster: ATK: 1100, DEF: 1800.).

"And guess what, he's got a flip effect as well! I can choose one level three or lower monster from my deck and special summon it in facedown DEF position!" Dan's deck shuffled itself and put a card out for him to choose. "And I'll set this card!". A card appeared on the field and faded away.

"No matter. Vierte, destroy that card." Vierte slammed her sword into the ground, sending a shockwave out towards where the card would be. The card flipped faceup, revealing a black goat that soon shattered due to the shockwave.

"I end my battle phase, and now Mischief of the Time Goddess' effect activates, fast forwarding time to the start of my next Battle Phase." The Time Goddess rose her staff into the air, her staff glowing as the field fast forwarded. The glow faded away and the Goddess disappeared in a puff of magic. "But seeing as I cannot get past that rodent, I will tribute Vierte for Valkyrie Erste." Vierte surrounded herself with a glowling sphere of light and disappeared, as another Valkyrie took her place.

Valkyrie Erste stared down Dan's monster, ready to do battle with it. (Valkyrie Erste: ATK: 1600, DEF: 1800.).

"I shall now end my turn." Lilly said. "Alright then, my turn! I draw!" Dan drew and looked at his cards. "I think it's time for me to end this duel, I'll summon Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts!". A black horse appeared on the field.

Guldfaxe brayed and threw his head back, ready for battle. (Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts: ATK: 1600, DEF: 1000.).

"Now I'll activate Monster Reborn and bring back Tanngrisnir!", and with a flashing light, Tanngrisnir returned to the field. "Now it's time for me to win this duel, I'll tune level four Guldfaxe with level three Super-Nimble Mega Hamster and level three Tanngrisnir!" Dan shouted out with pride.

Guldfaxe charged foward, fading into three rings into which Mega Hamster and Tanngrisnir charged into. A beam of green light went through the three rings, covering Mega Hamster and Tanngrisnir. "I synchro summon! Thor, Lord of the Aesir!" A giant flash of light covered the field.

The light faded, and out charged a giant human, wielding a hammer the size of himself. Thor let out a mighty roar of power and stared down the Valkyries. (Thor, Lord of the Aesir: ATK: 3500, DEF: 2800.).

"Thor! Strike down Valkyrie Erste!" Thor lifted his hammer up high and brought it down apon the tiny Valkryie, smashing her into pieces. The shockwave the hammer cause threw Lilly back.

Lilly LP: 1900

"Ugh." Lilly groaned, holding her head. "Nice, one more hit and you're toast! I end my turn!" Dan pumped his fist.

"I will not be beaten by a brute such as your monster, I draw!" Lilly began to lose her composure. "It is time for you to kneel before me! I activate the spell card Monster Reborn, and bring Valkryie Vierte back to the field."

A flash of light appeared, and Valkyrie Vierte stepped out of it. "I now tribute Valkyries Vierte and Zweite for Valkyrie Brunhilde!" The two Valkyries crossed their sword and turned into light, opening a hole in the sky, allowing for another to decend.

Valkyrie Brunhilde landed on the ground, ready for battle. (Valkyrie Brunhilde: ATK: 1800, DEF: 2000.). "My Valkyrie gains 500 ATK for every monster you control!" Brunhilde rose her sword in the air and shouted a battle cry (ATK: 2300.).

"I end my turn, you shall not defeat me Daniel!" Lilly was yelling at this point. "Shut your piehole and accept defeat! I draw!" Dan drew. "I'll activate Thor's effect, now your monster's effects are negated!" Thor let out a roar, making Brunhilde stumble back (ATK: 1800.).

"Now I summon Garmr of the Nordic Beasts!" A red wolf appeared on the field, letting out a snarl.

Garmr growled at Lilly, ready to pounce. (Garmr of the Nordic Beasts: ATK: 800, DEF: 1900.).

"Now Thor! Crush Brunhilde beneath your mighty hammer!" Thor swung his hammer into Brunhilde, sending her flying into a wall, shattering apon impact.

Lilly LP: 100

"Now Garmr! Finish the duel for me!" Garmr barked and charged, slashing at Lilly, sending her to the ground.

Lilly LP: 0

Winner: Dan

"That's game!" Dan pumped his fist.

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