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I hope you all enjoy! Let me know what ya think!


There are many things that Lucy finds attractive about her boyfriend Natsu. Of course he is nice to look at but she loves how charming and caring he can be. He always puts her first and ever since they started dating, she's learned many new things about him.

Specifically his scent.

She doesn't know why but lately he always smells heavenly. Some days it's a mixture of warm vanilla and cinnamon and others she gets transported to a tropical beach. She begged him to tell his secrets because she began to get a little jealous that her boyfriend smelt better than her and she knows for a fact, she bathes more.

However today was her lucky day. Laying on his bed, occupied with writing while he was taking a shower, if he wanted to cuddle with her after intense training, the boy needed to be clean, she noticed small bottles lined up on his dresser.

Curiosity wiggles through her as she inspected each of the small bottles. Each one displayed a decorative label.

Warm Vanilla

Cinnamon Spice


Sandy Beach

Pine Tree

"Are these...scented oils?" She questioned and popped the lid of off one of them. Realization hit her when the smell reminded her of Natsu.

Placing the bottle back and hopping onto his bed once more, Lucy flipped open her journal as he came strolling out of his shower, wearing only a towel that she dared him to drop.

"Natsu?" She asked, and he quickly turned to her while hiking up his pants.

"Yeah?" He turned and watched her walk to him, picking up a small bottle and swirling the liquid inside.

"Are these scented oils?" She asked as she continued to inspect it.

"Uhh yeah"

"Why do you have these?" She was genuinely curious. She knows that these can by used for soap making or putting them in a humidifier to freshen up a room but he didn't own one of those.

He looked around the room, debating on telling her or not. After some consideration and her insisting to know, he told her.

"Don't laugh" Natsu grabbed the bottle labeled "Cinnamon Spice"

"Promise" Lucy even stuck up her pinky, swearing not to make a peep.

Carefully he tipped over the bottle onto his index finger, letting the oil drip onto it. He then dabbed it onto the back of his neck, elbows and even his lower back.

"What th-" Lucy began but her nose was filled with the warm scent of cinnamon and the smell began to intensify.

"I don't like cologne, they are all too overpowering, so instead I use these oils. When they burn, they smell good so I thought that since my body is always warm, I could use them" He placed the small bottle down and looked back at her.

"That's why you always smell better than me" She pouted but stepped closer to him, placing her arms around his shoulder, the scent drawing her in little by little.

"My god you smell delicious" Natsu laughed as Lucy pounced on him, making them fall into the bed.

"I'm glad you like them." He continued to laugh as she kissed his face.

Sitting up and practically straddling him, an idea popped into her head. "Like them? You're like a walking candle. I know! We could go shopping and I can help you pick out scents!" She cheered and hoped off of him, making him grumble for being left.

"Do we have to go now?" He complained. He was still shirtless and having Lucy on top of him was getting him fired up but he followed her outside after slipping on a shirt and muttering about ruining the mood.

Inside the local craft store, Lucy began her search for the perfect scent for her man. Natsu sat on the floor knowing this would take awhile as Lucy already had three different bottles in the bag.

"Natsu are there any smells you don't like?" She asked.

"Nothing floral or extremely strong, you know since my nose picks up scents better."

"You got it. Also you wanna come and help me pick?" She didn't turn towards him but her hand made the motion to usher him over. He stood up and leaned against the shelf holding all the little bottle of oils.

"Nah it doesn't really matter to me. Why do you even care that much? I mean aren't the other ones good?" He asked.

"Well yeah I do but just so you know, the better you smell, the more likely I'll be glued to your side." She turned and winked at him, making his become flustered. "Oh this ones a winner! Apple Spiced Pie and S'mores, since you are a walking campfire" she giggled and added both to her cart.

"Okay Luce that's enough. Don't waste all your money on making me smell good." Lucy started to complain as she was dragged from the isle to the checkout line.

Together Lucy and Natsu walked into the guild hand in hand.

"Hey candle boy" Gray said as he passed the couple.

Natsu pauses and looked down at his girlfriend who giggled and looked away from his harsh glare.

"Lucy" Natsu growled.

"Relax babe, you smell incredible." His frown soften as a kiss was planted on his cheek.

"You're in trouble when we get home." He whispered in her ear, her cheeks brighten to match his pink hair.

"Worth it" Lucy giggled "Candle boy" she said as she strutted away. Natsu just let out a laugh and joined Gray at his table. Then he punched him.

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