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Enjoy some pregnant Lucy!


Six months. Six months in.

And Lucy Dragneel became obsessed with marshmallows.

The soft fluffy clouds eased the pain while providing a sweet relief even for just a moment.

She loved all the flavored ones and even the bunny shaped ones. The creamy taste and light texture.

Not to mention dipping them in chocolate, peanut butter and even pickle juice. Natsu didn't prefer that combination due to heighten sense but if Lucy wanted it, she got it.

But her absolute favorite, the type she craves the most.

Are Natsu's.

The first time he made her a marshmallow, he used his flames to heat it up to the right temperature and shes been hooked ever since.

Golden brown on the outside and gooey in the middle, like a molten lava cake.

From that day she couldn't resist. Every ten minutes he was heating one up for her, sometimes making it coated in burnt black char or a slight hint of golden brown.

But he didn't mind. How could he? He loved watching his almost fully pregnant Lucy waddle down the hallway just to find him, he not only got to satisfy her with a sweet treat but a cuddle or two.

He loved when she would sit on his lap munching on the sweet confection while he gently rubbed her stomach, feeling his little one swirled inside, kick and play with his warm hand.

Her obsession became so extreme that for one week she wouldn't eat them unless Natsu melted them, making his and Grays job shorter by two days and Lucy's crying louder than usual.

Even in depths of the night, her cravings got Natsu at the market in his pajamas and that's when he bought them in bulk from the bakery.

"Natsu!" Lucy called.

He walked into the kitchen to find her deep in the pantry flinging snacks left and right.

Shaking his head, he walked over to the cupboard under the microwave and pulled out a new bag of marshmallows.

Turning at the sound of the bag, Lucy waddles towards him, already having two stuffed in her cheeks.

Laughing he pulled her close and picked a new one up, letting a small flame dance in his palm as he swirled it above, melting it until his princess said stop.

"I understand why you eat fire now babe" Lucy said while taking a big bite, moaning into the fluffy sweet.

Another laugh erupted from Natsu and he carried her to the couch, bag sitting on her stomach and placed her down gently.

Rubbing her feet he watched as she devoured about eight, pausing to make sure it was to her liking and having one for himself too.

"Those really are your favorite sweets." He said and moved to the next foot.

He looked up to she her nodding and holding it in place like a cute chipmunk would. With a big gulp she took another one.

"Not true. You're my favorite sweet." She winked and blew a kiss towards him.

She plowed into another bag and knew she would never get sick of the white sweets.

Three months later and Lucy Dragneel never touched another marshmallow again.

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