Gritty Eyes

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This was another request: Gritty eyes when you stare at a fire too long. Enjoy!! 



Lucy hated silence. Growing up in her enormous mansion only left her with the comfort of small noise. The clicking of silverware against expensive china was one of the only sounds she was given after her mother had passed. Even her conversations with Aquarius had been mostly one sided and she rarely confided to her father.

But after joining Fairy Tail she was given the joy of constant noise, to her, all the bickering and constant breaking of bar tops and bottle meant that someone was there. There was always a conversation waiting for her at the guild, and she loved it. It made the silence she hated bearable.

"Lucy?" Natsu asked. His voice drew her away from the fire she had been staring at for too long. The dancing flames among the burning embers let her mind wander peacefully, something she hadn't done in a long time. Her eyes met his and she had to blink a few time to readjust her vision away from the orange light.

"Yes?" Her finger swiped over her eyes as the grit from the fire slightly burned them. How long was I staring at it?

"Thanks for coming with me, ya know, on this mission."

The clouds from her eyes lifted like fog and she let out a laugh. "Of course Natsu, we are teammates."

"Yeah...teammates." He mumbled and threw a twig into the fire pit, watching the flames devour the sacrifice. He didn't want her to hear that but it was just them and the crackle of the fire so naturally she picked up.

"Is something wrong?" She could sense a shift in his demeanor. Was he unhappy that it was just them? Not even Happy tagged along.

She noticed the small shrug and looked back at the flames. The bright mix of orange and yellow reminded her of his magic, it was simple and beautiful. Beautiful. Lucy looked back at Natsu. The way the light hit his face and made his pink hair glow softly warmed her cheeks. He is beautiful. But we are just teammates right? But why did he sound upset when I said- oh.


He looked up and wondered why he even asked he alone on this stupid mission. He didn't have the strength or courage to do what he planned, but what was stopping him? Teammates. That's what she saw him as, her trusted teammate and he would be damned if he broke her trust with anything more.

He didn't respond and although she enjoyed the crackle of the fire, the silence from him was killing her. She stood up and walked around the flames, sitting on the log next to him and put her cheek on his face, tiling him up so their eyes met.

The burning flames seemed to disappear as she gazed into his dark eyes and once again silence filled the air.

"Are you upset that we are just...teammates." Her face inched closer to his and he swallowed hard. A new burning sensation sparked her eyes as he put his head into her golden locks, pulling her face closer to her, his lips dusting against hers ever so softly.

"Maybe." He spoke out. She could hear, no sense the disappointment in his voice but it didn't last long.

"Then let's change that." Slowly her lips covered his and a groan came from him as he pulled her into his lap.

The fire danced wildly as a new spark had form. Lucy thought she hated silence but when it was just them, she craved it more.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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