Ch.2 - Known the Unexpected

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<B - The following days coursed around me like fish in a river. Time didn't seem to have existed for an entire week when I finally realized that it was almost summer. During that week I felt an uncomfortable gaze impaled in the back of my neck. Every time I felt it I looked backwards to find myself staring at nothing. Most people would think "Am I going crazy?" but I'm used to these kinds of surprises. "He" used to come from behind, lift me in the air and toss me around like a ragdoll, so I stayed vigilant at all times. Though when I think about it, that was more akin to paranoia than anything else.

After a few tries I managed to locate my new personal stalker while in the market district. I couldn't take a proper look at him since he quickly vanished in the crowd, but I managed to get a rough idea of what kind of character he was. It seemed to be a boy around my age with some distinctive white hair.

Hours later, I spotted him again amongst the crowd. This time, though, it was different. Instead of running away, he started to walk towards me as soon as he noticed I had seen him. I was sure he was heading towards me since the sea of people was going in the other direction and he had his eyes locked on mine.

I started to wonder what this person could possibly want from me. Maybe he was one of those religious types that want to indoctrinate unsuspecting bystanders. Maybe he was some kind of good samaritan about to give me something back that I had dropped. There was one last possibility, but it was really unlikely. This person that was about to reach me could be the owner of the phone number I sent my life story to. Before I could continue considering the possibilities he finally reached audible range and began speaking.>

A - Hey, excuse me. Are you in a hurry?

<B - Just those words got the option of "indoctrination" high up in the list of reasons. I easily could've said no and hurried along, but I wanted to know why he'd spent half of the day stalking me.>

B - I... I guess not.

A - Great. I need to talk with you about something for a minute. But first, you think you could follow me to somewhere quiet?

<B - A lot of alarms started to sound in my head at that moment. This was definitely the talk of a stalker who is about to kidnap someone. Now a lot of sane individuals would just pepper spray this guy and run away, but I still had this feeling of morbid curiosity nailed in my head. Besides, I don't have pepper spray. So yeah, I stupidly decided to trust him.>

B - I suppose we could. But why would you want to go?

A - I don't think you would like to talk about your life in public, that's all.

B - Wait, what do you mean?

A - You know what? I better just show it to you already and then you decide if we go somewhere else.

<B - The white haired boy pulled his phone out of his pocket and proceeded to check something on it. After a few seconds he pointed the screen towards me to let me see what he found.>

A - This is your number, isn't it?

<B - Right on that small screen I could see both my phone number and part of the message I wrote that night. I guess the whole indoctrination was out of the question at this point, since he clearly gave proof to think otherwise.

In a sense, he was right about asking to go to a place quieter than a commercial district. I then felt like I didn't want my life to be discussed in a street full of people.>

B - Okay, you made your point. Let's go.

A - Where should we go, though?

B - Why are you asking me? You were the one who proposed it.

To No OneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ