Ch.10 - A Spark Of Nostalgia

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<B - The few days that passed after that event were as uneventful as a retirement party for the owner of a funeral parlor . While it was unnatural to spend time with people I was somehow compelled to do so. That would prove to be more difficult than I had anticipated. Claire was busy with work, Daniel was reluctant to go outside and Arthur was nowhere to be found (which I honestly was fine without). The only person that I could spend time with was Samantha, of all people. That woman was like a rose sitting atop a solitary vase in an empty room, beautiful but filled with thorns and not to be trusted. And yet, why did I feel so mesmerized by her?

The day something happened I was trying to avoid the boiling sun from the full-blown summer that was creeping in on my window. My air conditioner had the brilliant idea to abandon this world during a heat wave, so I would have to stay a few days waiting for it to be fixed. At least my fridge was still fully operational and able to store cold drinks. I took a sip from the glass of iced tea that I left on my table. The ice inside the glass was melting slower than I thought it would be, allowing me to take my time procrastinating in my bed.

While not as terrible as the outside, my bedroom was uncomfortably hot. So hot, in fact, that I had to remove every article of clothing off myself. I then understood every single nudist in the world and the liberating feeling of exposing yourself to the elements. The slight breeze that came from my opened window was making me feel every single drop of sweat running down my exposed back. Yes, there was a risk of someone outside seeing me uncovered, but I couldn't care less. I was in my house, my castle, and in my castle I was the queen. And this queen wanted freedom coursing all around her. I wondered how it would feel to let the ice of my drink melt on my body and drip down over my... oh, um... *cough*. Let's pretend I didn't mention any of that, shall we?

A-anyways, my moment of liberty was rudely interrupted by an incessant buzzing emanating from my phone at the table. A quick look at the screen revealed that Samantha was behind this interruption. I reluctantly answered the call.>

S - Hello, Beth. How are you doing?

B - I'm boiling in my room, but not that much.

S - I guess that means that you are okay?

B - Yeah, something like that. What did you want?

S - I was hoping to go for a walk with you. You know, enjoy the sun and all that.

B - Please, tell me you're kidding. It's thirty-six degrees outside and you are crazy if you think I'm going out there.

S - Oh, c'mon~ pretty please?

<B - While I still stood by my plan to lounge around in my bed, I felt compelled to agree with her. "Not this time" I thought, while turning to look to the ceiling, "I have to resist her at some point".>

B - I... *sigh* I honestly don't feel like going outside.

S - Oh, I understand...

B - Don't take it the wrong way, though. It's just too hot outside.

S - I know. To be honest with you, I didn't feel like going out either.

B - See, it's just not a good day to be running around.

<B - I took the last sip of my iced tea to celebrate me successfully dodging a meeting under a blazing sun.>

S - You are right. It would be a bother to put some clothes now that I got them off entirely.

<B - And then I promptly spat out the contents of my mouth all over my body. I guess the thought of both of us doing the same thing was too ridiculous for me to handle. "Oh, for the love of... now I need a shower" I thought while feeling the chilling embrace of the tea. Now that I used the last of my drink for unsuspecting bodily refrigeration, I was completely out of resources to stave off the heat.>

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