Ch.18 - A Sudden Stop

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E - ...hours later we received the confirmation from his parents that he had passed away the moment the truck hit him.

B - I see...

E - I can't say that me trying to help would have changed anything, but...

B - You can't help but wonder, I gather.

E - Yeah...

<B - As we were talking Evelyn was constantly fidgeting around with her braid. Her calm and collected expression didn't leave her like Samantha's did, but there was a different air around her after telling me her story.

Samantha was silently staring at Francis' gravestone, probably already tired of hearing the same story over and over. At least I know I would be tired of hearing it, specially after so many visits to the therapist. You tend to start wishing that you could forget everything and move on. Of course, that never happens.

Evelyn and I joined Samantha for a moment of silence for a few minutes when she finally got up.>

S - the sun's almost out, we should head back already.

B - Whenever you girls are ready.

<B - As we started heading up the stairs, the sound of children playing came into range. While it seemed strange for kids to be playing around next to a cemetery, I quickly remembered the kind of places my brother and I used to get ourselves into. Still, it didn't stop me from asking.>

B - Evelyn, I thought you said nobody came around here.

E - I said that it wasn't really popular, not that nobody goes in here.

B - I- oh.

E - Still, it is weird for kids to be here around this hour. What are they doing here...?

S - I'm sure their parents will pop out soon.

E - Hm.

S - Besides, they can't be that far from home either if they're lounging around.

<B - A few more steps, and we reached the now inhabited park. The sounds of young people lead directly into two kids, probably around ten to twelve years old, playing with the water in the fountain. Evelyn and Samantha were walking away from them, which I was planning to emulate. I hadn't taken even a single step when my instinct as a carer kicked in and made me approach them.>

B - You guys are awfully young to be playing around at this hour.

L - Um...

El - And you are...?

B - A very concerned lady.

El - Well, concerned lady, we're not supposed to talk with strangers.

B - So you're aware of that, but not that the sun is almost gone?

El - That's-

B - You look like nice kids, so I'm going to guess you just forgot about the time.

El - ...

L - We're sorry...

B - Oh no, you don't have to apologise for this. Just as long as you guys go back to your parents.

L - Well, um...

B - What's wrong?

L - We don't actually know where he is.

B - You mean your father?

<B - The kid nodded in response. While I found it odd that they were in a park unsupervised at that hour I was more concerned with finding their father.>

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