Ch.4 - An Unwanted Guest

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<B - It took me a moment to realize who this waitress was. "Isn't she in the same class as me?" I considered that in my mind as she placed the food on the table. Come to think of it, she did try to talk to me a few times after the classes had ended and even gave me her number on one occasion. I probably shouldn't forget people like that.

I had only a few seconds to remember her name as she was done putting everything on the table. Turns out I didn't have to, since she introduced herself.>

C - Beth, remember me? It's me, Claire!

B - Uh... yeah, of course I do. How have you been doing?

C - Well, after the classes ended I manage to find a job in this place. The people here are awesome to work with, and the pay is fantastic! Only problem is that I have to work on holidays. I also have to take the train to be here, which is always full of tourists now! And also...

<B - It doesn't matter if what she said was interesting or not. It was the fact that she showed no signs of stopping what I found more irritating. Don't get me wrong; I was paying attention and listening to every single word she let out, but I just wasn't able to keep up.

I took a look at Arthur as Claire was yapping away. Just a quick glance showed me that he was as surprised as I was that this was going for so long. In the end, Arthur was the one to try and break her out of trance.>

A - *ahem* So... thanks for the scones, but you didn't have to make them for us.

C - Oh, those are not from me. You see, this place has a small promotion for couples who eat here. We are kinda obligated to give at least a freebie or two to the lovebirds.

A - I, uh... how do I put this...

B - We are not dating.

<B - I had to clarify that as soon as possible. I didn't want to drag this on longer than it had already. Not only that, the people around us was starting to stare at us since we were making a lot of noise. No, they were looking at us with eager expressions, as if they wanted to know more about this drama.>

C - Oh, c'mon. You don't have to act all shy about it!

B - Seriously, we are not. I barely even know him.

C - Ohhh... so it's a blind date?

B - Wrong again. Seriously, I don't even know where he lives.

A - Actually, I live about two or three streets away from you.

B - You do? Wait, that's not important right now.

C - Yeah, you should focus on getting to know each other now that you have the chance.

B - I said that we're not... *sigh* (This is going nowhere...)

<B - It was clear that I was not going to get through Claire's stubborn, little head. I was starting to think that maybe getting out of there as soon as possible could be a good idea. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it), Arthur stepped in.>

A - Look, we've been talking and we realized that we are not for each other.

B - What?

C - What!?

A - So, we decided to just be friends for the time being. Now you understand why we keep saying that we're not dating?

<B - It might've been my imagination, but I think at that moment I heard the rest of the establishment sigh with disappointment along with Claire. Well, I didn't care about them. I was enjoying the moment now that we dodged a bullet like that. I stopped listening to everyone for a minute while I took a sip from the warm latte. Who knew that relief tasted so good? Then I realized that they were both staring at me.>

B - A-anyhow, we should probably finish eating here and go, don't you think?

A - I guess we should.

C - Hey, hey, I finish my shift in half an hour. Think you could wait for me after you're done here?

A - I don't mind if you come with us. You know, the more the merrier. Will you be okay with this, Beth?

<B - I took a second to think about it. I thought "Do I want to go with another possible nutjob?". You know it's obvious what I would say next.>

B - Sure (why am I doing this...), I don't mind either.

C - Noice! Just be sure to wait outside, alright?

B - Uh... okay.

C - A'right, seeya!

<B - Claire bolted off somewhere else, presumably to attend more customers. Arthur started eating the scones while I just stayed there with my latte.>

A - Aren't you going to take one?

B - Not after knowing what they stand for.

A - Oh, come on. You wouldn't say no to free food, would you?

<B - As stupid as it sounds, he had a point in there. We did get something for no extra payment, so why say no to it? We spend the next twenty minutes enjoying the scones with some jam that Claire also left on our table. Don't think I forgot about the other customers, which I'm pretty sure they were delighted to see every bite we took. I wish people weren't so fascinated with drama.>

A - So... how come you know the waitress?

B - Hm?

A - I mean, I don't think you'd have that kind of light-hearted conversation with some random person of the streets.

<B - I gave Arthur an accusatory look as he looked back at me, sheepishly smiling. I took him a minute to realize what he just said.>

A - Um, *ahem*, you know what I mean.

B - ...She is a classmate from the college I used to study in.

A - "Used to"?

B - It's almost summer, remember? The classes finished weeks ago.

A - Oh... so I'm guessing you've known her for a good while now?

B - Not exactly. I normally go home as soon as the lesson is done.

A - I see...

B - I believe I have had a few chats with her, but nothing too important.

A - Well, it was enough to make her remember you. You think you'll get along?

B - She seems like a fine girl, it's just-

A - She is a bit chatty for your taste, isn't she?

B - Yeah, just a "little". But why do you want to know my opinion?

A - Remember when I said I would help you heal?

B - ...yes?

A - I meant it. I know it will take a long time, but I will help you.

<B - Arthur said that loud enough for the entire place to hear it. Immediately I heard a simultaneous "aww" emanating from the all the customers in the cafe. Why can't people mind their own business? It seemed as well that Claire had just finished her shift. Just my luck.>

C - Oh, I knew there was something between you guys!

A - N-no, it's not like that.

B - Just drop it already. Are you finished with your shift?

C - Umm... y-yeah.

<B - And there we were as we walked away from the establishment. A guy I barely know, a girl I barely talk to and in the middle of those two, me. I can't say that was a bad decision, but I had the feeling that having her tagging along with us was only going to make things more tedious and awkward than they already were. Just why do I do this to myself?>

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