Fate is Weird

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Down the streets in Magnolia, there was a small book store, Love & Lucky.
Where currently a young woman named Lucy Heartfilla worked, this is where our story begins.

Stars, the only light,
In a world that's,
Not bright,

The young college student sighed and rested her head on her hand as the poem she tried to write seemed, too cheesy.
If you were to see her, you might think that's she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen. Her golden hair in a side ponytail, her chocolate doe like eyes, her delicate movements as she brushes a strand of gold behind her ear but she's not interested in a relationship right now, so too bad.

The little book store she worked in was very aesthetic, with its vintage style and almost every wall had something that was probably over 5 years old.
An average day would have about 10-12 people so it isn't surprising that one day it would close but because of the dedicated employees the store still remains.

The blonde girl decided that she would put her poem off to the side and take a reading break but before she could she was interrupted by a voice which made her drop the novel.
"Lu-chan, I found the book I was looking for!"

She looked up to see the petite bluenette who loved books of all kind, she is a bookworm.
The bluenette's bangs were held back by an orange head band and her short hair was fluffier than usual, her light brown eyes showed excitement.

"What did you get, Levy?"
She finally asked because before Levy wouldn't tell her, apparently it was a surprise.
"It's called For The Love Of A Spriggan by Mavis Dragneel."
Her eyes widened at Levy because it was the first book of Mavis's which was so rare cause there was only about a hundred copies were made.

"Levy, there was one here?!"
The blonde couldn't believe that she never found it and she has been there for about 3 months and that no one got it.
"I'm surprised that you didn't find it."
Levy replied.
"I am too."

She watched as Levy started reading the book as she walked out.
"Also don't forget to bring me it when your done reading."

"No promises, Lucy Heartfilla."
Lucy playful sighed as she watched her best friend leave.

Then Lucy waited patiently for her shift to be over so she could go home.


"Bye Lucy have a safe trip home."
"I know, see you tomorrow Mitchell."
As she left the store, Lucy hummed as she carried her pink umbrella in one hand and her novel in the other. Currently it was pouring so she needed to go home soon. Lucky for her, her house was nearby.
As a child, Lucy never really liked this town because it was so small and she's lived here for all of her life, she knew where everything was and she craved adventure but there was a reason why she doesn't want to leave. With a skip over a puddle she was home.

Lucy opened the door to her home and entered.
"I'm home, Mama, Papa."
She walked around the empty house looking at all of their pictures. There was one of her and her mother and another with all three of them, there were so many. But Lucy picked up one with her mother, Layla sitting on a hospital bed with a younger Lucy hugging her.
"If only we knew."
Lucy could feel tears forming in her eyes.
"Why didn't you tell us, Mama?
Now Papa is in the same situation, please help me, I need you."
She wiped away a stray tear and smiled, she knew she had to be strong for both of them.
"I know I can do this, I will help him, I promise."

With determination inside her she decided to........go to sleep early so she could get a head start for college tomorrow.

Who knew that the next day, fate would come to her.....


*Ding* *Ding* *Ding* *Ding*
From a distance, this scene would look funny, no it was hilarious. Poor Lucy was trying to shut off her alarm but it was already off. So what was making that sound? Well someone was trying to get her attention through her phone but who?

Lucy had enough, she looked at her phone it was 6:30 who was texting her! She just kicked off her pink blanket and looked at the messages.

Hey! Elsa is this your number? 6:10
Answer me! 6:11
That Juvia girl thought this was your number. 6:12
I don't have your number so Idk. 6:13
So I just did a random number 6:13
When she asked. 6:14

And it went on and on till 6:30

Hey wrong number. 6:31
Oh sorry. 6:31

Lucy was about to put her phone down when, *ding*

Why are you awake? 6:32

Did this person just ask why I'm awake.

Well one, why are you awake and two, I don't know a random number sent me about 30 texts. 6:32
Yeah I got it, once again sorry. 6:33

I have a feeling that the person is snickering while replying.

It's okay. 6:33

Lucy being the person she is, she decided to have mercy on this soul. She didn't feel like sleeping anymore so she got up and started to get ready. She had her hair in her signature side ponytail. She was wearing brown turtle neck with a little cleavage slit and a pink skirt. To finish it off, black mid thigh leggings and brown boots.

After she ate breakfast she grabbed her bag and checked it for everything, cause if your missing one thing it all goes wrong. As Lucy left their house, she turned her head to look back
"Bye Mama, Papa I'm off" and then she was gone.
Since her classes don't start till 7, Lucy decided to walk to the school library so she could practice writing poems.

As she was walking, she couldn't help but admire Fairytail University it was simply, magnificent no wonder all kinds of people come to attend.
Lucy happily sighed that she was able to go to this University and she can still remember why she wanted to go.

It was because of a strange boy with hair the color of cherry blossoms trying to hype up the college when it wasn't as popular. She guesses that his passion of wanting people to go affected her. She couldn't help but giggle when she remembered him telling people to go there "cause it was so amazing." At the time they were about the same age, it was weird how she remembered.

Since she was stuck in memory lane she didn't realize the voices calling out to her.

"Hey watch out!"
I saw some bikes heading my way that were going so fast, I was to slow to move, I'm going to get hit! Lucy thought.

Suddenly she felt herself be pushed away and someone ended up on top of her.

"Are you alright?"

Cherry blossoms.


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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