Chapter 4 - Whats Happening ?

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Kylee's Pov

I woke up in cold room. My whole body was shaking, I looked around but it was an to dark to see anything. It was a really quiet, I could hear fluff drop. I felt super violated for some odd reason, there was a cold metallic feel on my leg. I felt around my body and I am.....NAKED! Why the hell am I naked.I also felt a chain that linked with a wall. The door opened and I tryed to cover myself up the best I could but it was really no help.

"Morning Beautiful" it was the guy... I think his name was....Noah.. no that's not it...agh its all fuzzy.... wait I got it it was Tyler, ya that's it. Its Tyler. He came closer to me and my body was still shaking from the coldness and well the fact that im a little scared. Then he laughed and handed me a piece of hard bread. Then he left the room. The dang thing was as hard as a rock. It felt like hours sense Tyler came i was starting to get cold and woreed,Then the door opened again but it wasn't Tyler this time it was Zack.

"Did that doushbag give a fucking rock to eat?" I nodded and giggled at his hilarious comment. He took the rock from me and handed me a granola bar.

"Are you cold ?" I nodded and he gave me his sweat shirt.

"W..why are you being nice to me?" I question. As i was putting on the dress/Sweatshirt.

"Part of the job description. " and with that he left locking the door behind him. I started to eat the granola bar and thought about Zack. Is he really a heartless beast?


- there's another chapter

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