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1) 1. Be Kind 2. Have a sense of humor 3. Practice some self love and show self worth 4. Live and let live. 5. Don't be afraid to express yourself. 

2) I feel very strongly about matters of mental health. 

3) We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver

4) -Woke up

- Ate breakfast

-Had a wash 

-Opened my laptop

-Still on Wattpad XD 

5) I only have an ex friend, who I want to tell to leave me alone. 

6) I know a lot of people like to give mainstream music stick and give out about it, but I will say that like every era and genre of music, you need to listen to it and separate the good tracks from the bad. 

7) 1. Spitting. 2. When people curse every second word. 3. When people hang jackets or coats on the back of kitchen chairs. 4. The sound of cutlery knocking off each other. 

8) Weetabix

9) Education is extremely important, but what I think people commonly misconceive, is that education goes far beyond academics. There's interpersonal, intrapersonal, academic, social, emotional, and so many forms of education and it's all about getting the right balance to become a well rounded individual. 

10) Don't have a playlist. I'm old fashioned and use my CD's and vinyls. 

11) Your family? What exactly is the question here?....

12) 1. Dylan O'Brien, 2. Tyler Posey 3. Jamie Dornan(with facial hair) 4. Zac Efron 5. Dave Franco

13) I'm happy with my body, in that I don't feel the need to change anything about it..... but... I'm not comfortable with showing it off to everybody, I think, it's my body, so I should keep it modest, if that makes sense and doesn't come across as contradictory. 

14) I'm still in my pyjamas LOL, It is Saturday after all ;) 

15) I'm a scorpio. It's funny actually. I was watching a video last week where they were characterizing each zodiac sign and I think the description for a scorpio actually matched me to a t. 

16) What if I actually make it as a published author.

17) Being a good friend.

18) Chronic illness

19) And.... skip to the next question....

20) Okay, this is going to be a long list lol ;)

1. Clowns SweetChildO_A_R

2. Porcelain/china dolls

3. Mice/rats/rodents/any animals that move really quickly along the ground. 

4. Birds when they fly anywhere near me. 

5. Heights

6. Tight spaces

7. Death

8. Moths 

9. Going to the optician, having to use eye drops, the thought of getting something in my eyes, anyone coming near my eyes, having any form of eye surgery done or having to put any form of contacts in. I know that was like 6 fears in one lol, but you get the point, anything coming near my eyes. 

The list goes on, I'm a scaredy cat LOL

21) Hopefully, I'll be a successful published author and screenwriter just living the dream I've had forever.

22) These questions... What about my academics lol.

23) My friends

24) 1. Holy Bejesus. 2. Flailing(idk why, I'm weird ;)) 3. fudge cake - one of my friends is to blame for this lol. 4. Cool Beans! 

I can't think of any more lol. 

25) School 

26) I like that I can be confident enough to stand up for myself and others. Sometimes, I can be a little blunt and judgmental, but I'm trying to work on it. 

27) "The one who follows the crowd will probably travel no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone is likely to find themselves in places no one has ever been before." 

28) As I've already discussed with SweetChildO_A_R , Australia, definitely Australia. 

29) I'm weird in general, so everything I like is probably weird lol ;) 

30) I'm excited about a lot of things, honestly hard to single one out. 

Tagging SweetChildO_A_R Chimnaecherem 

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