A Message For Those With Chronic Illnesses

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Almost 6 months ago, I was diagnosed with a rare chronic illness that put a huge burden on me and impacted my life greatly to a negative extent. I thought it was never going to get better, and that I'd constantly be living through pain and misery.

Thankfully though, after finally having my medication readjusted a couple of times, and finally adopting the right mindset needed to cope with the condition, I gradually started to get better. And now I'm flying it.

I know that there will be periods of relapse and remission, and I'm going to have to deal with those periods as and when they come.

My message is for all those impacted by chronic illnesses: Stay strong, you will get through this. Things will improve, and there will always be good days ahead of you to enjoy. You are so much stronger than you realise.

Rants, Tags and Random RamblingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora