Rant: Unpopularity Poll

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A couple of days ago, I heard of something that happened which really irked me. A younger family member of mine came home from school and told me of an incident initiated by a couple of classmates in her form classroom. I was absolutely disgusted to have heard of it. 

Basically, what happened was, two girls in this class took it upon themselves to gather the entire class together and have as many girls as possible to each vote on which other girl from the class they most disliked. They took note of each vote on their phones and at the end, singled out the most unpopular girl in that class. 

This family member of mine told me about it, and told me that she didn't take part in the vote, because it was so mean. She also admitted to haven't not vocalized her view on it. That's when I started giving out to her, and told her that while she didn't partake, she still stood by and allowed this poll to go on, without speaking against it. Her standing by, is almost as bad, if not worse, than having actually voted. I guess, my point, and the motivation behind posting this rant, is, when you see someone or a group of people doing something as nasty as this, take a stand against it. Call out such disgusting behavior as it is; disgusting. Most people don't want to be seen as nasty, so if they're called out for it, and their behavior is challenged, it may just make them think a little more about what they're doing in the future. 

I just don't understand why people are so nasty towards each other. From what I've seen of her, the girl who was voted 'most disliked' is actually such a lovely girl too. I think people just take pleasure in dragging good people down. And I'm not saying that she didn't deserve to be voted most disliked girl because she's lovely, because, frankly, nobody deserves to be labeled as that. So, I'd just like to say, in this world full of hateful and nasty people, try your best to build people up, not drag them down. If there is anything you can be, be kind. It could make all the difference to someone's day. 

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