Chapter 4

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I decided to cuddle Morgan, to be honest I think I'm falling for her. Is Morgan even Bi? Does she even like me like that?

It must have been about 5 am until someone spoke again.

"That was fucking insane" Shane said while holding a sleeping Ryland in his arms.

We all looked at him

"I didnt ever think anything like that would happen to me" I say while still cuddling Morgan.

"And I had no idea Shane could do something like that" Garrett says still very shakey from the experience.

"Me neither" Shane said and kissed Rylands forehead.

"So are we even posting this video?" Andrew asks

"You filmed all of that?"  Shane asks

"Yea just incase something happened" Andrew says

"Of course Andrew your always prepared" I say

Everyone smiles at my joke but were all still so shook up about what happened that nothings funny anymore.

"We can just add the part where the guy walks in, not when I attack him" Shane says

Andrew smiles and nods
I pull out my phone and check Twitter, Theres a bunch of news accounts talking about what happened to us and all of the fans are sharing them and freaking out.
I show everyone and they all get on their phones to tweet.

We're fine everyone! It's all ok 😌

Almost being killed is stressful let's go get some food 🌯

It's ok everyone's favorite person on this planet is doing okay 🤠

🤠 yeehaw

Ryland finally wakes up and realizes shanes holding him

"Aww good morning" Ryland says then kisses Shane's cheek.

Ryland gets up and goes to the bathroom.

"I want McDonalds" Morgan says cutely

"Then we will go to McDonalds when everyone gets ready" Shane says

"Yay!" Me and Morgan say and hug eachother.

I get a notification on my phone and I check it.

Shane: Do u like Morgan???

Me: uh why???

Shane is typing...

Shane: Because when you fell asleep earlier she told us she had a crush on you....

Me: Wait really?

Shane is typing...


Me: hehe maybe...

Shane is typing...


Me: should I tho.......?

Shane is typing...

Shane: YESSS

Me: maybe

Shane is typing...

Shane: YAY

I put my phone up and look over at Morgan who is on her phone scrolling through her Instagram. She sees one of my photos, she stares at it then smiles and likes it. Then she stares at it for a few more seconds before she keeps scrolling. I feel my heart flutter and I look away before she catches me looking. Ryland comes out of the bathroom.

My Chicken Nugget Morgan Adams X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now