Chapter 14

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I woke up the next morning in my bed beside Morgan and I was just in my underwear and a overlarged t shirt.

"Morgan wake up dear" I whispered while shaking her awake

"Mh?" Morgan said and looked at me

"What did we do last night?" I ask and run my hands through her hair

"Last thing I remember we went to a bar" Morgan says and smiles

"Wells explains why I'm in my underwear" I say and then laugh and walk over to my closet to find some sweatpants

Morgan sneaks up on me and slaps my ass then runs away like a child

I laugh and blow her a kiss then put on some sweatpants

Me and Morgan walk into the living room and see Garrett,Ryland, and Andrew in a circle on the floor. They all look up at us and Ryland has tears in his eyes and is smiling

"What happened?" I ask

"Shane..." Ryland whispers and starts laughing while crying

"What about him?" I ask

"He's.... Alive" Ryland says

"Ryland this isn't funny!" I say and roll my eyes at him

"Michelle he's not joking Shane's alive!" Andrew says

I let that soak in for a minute then I start jumping up and down like a child screaming of happiness

"Where is he?!" I ask

"Back in the hospital" Ryland says

Ryland explains how Shane was being brought to a funeral home and then he woke up on the way their and said "where the fuck am I?"

"So basically he came back from the dead!?" I ask

"Yep" Ryland says

"Wow that's a YouTube series" Garrett says then laughs

"Oh wait.. you and Garrett are together what are you gonna tell Shane...?" I ask

Ryland and Garrett look at each other and frown

"I'm not sure" Ryland whispers
"I love you Ryland but you need Shane not me" Garrett says
"No I want you" Ryland says and starts making out with Garrett

I grab Andrew and Morgans hand and pull them outside and get in my car

"We're going to see Shane NOW" I say and drive off. When we get their we run inside and asks to see Shane Dawson and we tell them were his family. We run to his room and open the door and their he is. Shane Dawson is alive
He was sitting down poking some nasty hospital food and he looked up at us and his eyes lit up

"GUYS" Shane screamer and reached his arms out

"Shane!" We scream and run up to him and hug him

"I love you guys" he says and smiles

"We love you too Shane" I say and wipe away a tear

"Where's my baby?" Shane asks and smiles

I stop smiling and look over at Andrew who is looking at me and nodding

"Uh Shane.." I say
"Yes?" Shane asks
"Ryland is dating Garrett now" I say and look down at my feet

Everyone goes silent and I look up and see Shane crying

"Shane... don't cry" I say and hug him and he hugs me back

"Why would he do that" Shane says and cries into my shoulder

"Shane Dawson your free to go" a nurse says that just walked in

"Ok thanks!" Shane says and goes to the bathroom to change into his oh my god pig shirt and his black jeans

"Lets get out of this hell hole" Shane says and we walk out of the hospital

Shane Dawson is alive

My Chicken Nugget Morgan Adams X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now