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My alarm began to ring, waking me up. I surprisingly got to sleep really easily considering it were the first night I slept in a different house. I turned my alarm off, rubbing my face. I can't say I'm not nervous, because I really am. Wouldn't anyone be? I got up and decided I'd put a bit more of an effort than usual for obvious reasons. I opened the blinds, and it was actually looking sunny outside which is nice. I washed my face then I got my makeup out my suit case and did a natural look but put some highlight on and some bronzer. I let my hair down and sprayed it with some shine spray, then went downstairs to get breakfast.

My grandma was still in bed so I tried to be as quiet as I could. I had a bagel with honey and strawberries and some water. I put it on a plate and sat at the table. My nerves were really starting to kick in, what if I don't fit in? What if I have no friends at all? Fuck it. I shouldn't be thinking so negatively. Today, I'm going to get showed round then I am supposedly going to get given my classes. I have ok grades, sport is more my thing. I really enjoy running and I raced competitively back in Utah. Maybe they'll be some sport club I can join. I got up from the table once I finished and then washed my plate. I walked back up the stairs quietly and I had a lot of spare time on my hands. I decided to pack my bag.

I have a Michael Kors bag, I just put some pens in there, some binders boring shit like that. I shoved in some gum from the way here and some lip gloss. I put some vs body mist in there aswell. Once my bag was packed, I got dressed into my outfit that I picked out last night. It wasn't anything special, but it was just a simple look. I sprayed myself with some perfume and put some hair mist on. I had about 1hr to spare, so I thought I'd unpack. I stared to take clothes out of my suitcase and fold them into my drawers. I need to get a job so I can get money, I would like to start driving soon as well. My phone went off from my bed. I grabbed it and it was texts from the group chat and jade, I replied a quick thank you to both and put my phone into my bag. I carried on folding my clothes into my drawers until my grandma came into my room in her dressing gown, I smiled at her.

"Morning Maeve, how do you like your room?" My grandma asked, looking around the room.

"Oh grandma you really didn't have to do this, it's really nice of you I really do like it" I replied honestly, I wouldn't ever expect her to decorate a room just for me. Although it was a very kind gesture because the room is really nice.

"Oh Maeve I wanted you too feel comfortable! I'm glad you like it honey" she said walking over to me kissing my forehead, "I hope you have an amazing first day, try and meet new friends"

My grandma began to walk out my room, closing the door slowly. I feel weirdly at home. Like even when we first arrived yesterday I felt really at ease. I spent a lot of time at my grandmas when I was young because my mum was depressed, so I guess that's why. After about 45 minutes , I had finished unpacking all my clothes and also put some fairy lights up next to my bed. I'm just off my period so I'm feeling like I want to be organised and energised. I had to set off in 15 minutes and I had done everything I needed to do. I made my bed and put my clothes from yesterday into the wash basket, since I got complete swamp ass in the car it was high key boiling hot tf.

I put my moncler coat on and shoved my phone in my pocket. I made one last quick look in the mirror, I looked decent. I quickly brushed my teeth and put my retainers in before picking up my bag and running down stairs. My grandma was downstairs making coffee. I looked down at my phone and I had to leave now if I wanted to be on time.

"Ok grandma I'm boutta leave" I looked over at my grandma, putting my phone back in my pocket again

"You go and make some nice new friends! You deserve the world honey, love you" my grandma said to me, putting the coffee down and hugging me, "if there's any problems at all just let me know okay" I nodded and smiled.

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