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"It was fucked up for us to go into your house, I get if your mad 100%. Not that it makes it any better, but we didn't know it was your house. Me and Ski, we desperate we be doing that type of shit every other fucking day. But last night put what i actually be doing into perspective, and Its best if I lay off that type of shit" he finished, looking at me for a reaction. I shoved my hands in my pocket, trying to find the words to reply. I definitely was mad.

"That shit is fucked up ye, thats my grandmas house G" I replied glancing over at him , "I probably should fucking blitz you right now for that."

"I do appreciate your apology though, and I'm thankful you helped me last night so therefore I'll let it slide with gritted teeth, best be fucking grateful though" i sighed, pursing my lips together.

"I'm grateful, bet." He paused as we arrived at the school gate, turning me to face him, "i aint ever got your name"

"Maeve Valley" I told him, keeping my eyes locked on his.

"I apologise Maeve Valley" jahseh insisted earnestly. I nodded taking a step back from him before walking to my bench and jahseh went the other way.

It was raining lightly, well more spitting I guess than raining. I slouched on my bench, placing my bag on the seat. My phone was dead, so I didn't even know what time it was until registration. Every body was inside because of the rain. The couple from yesterday were in the distance walking into D block, I smiled to myself. I hope they stay together because they cute together. The bell rang through the school, telling everyone that is was registration so I hopped off the bench, clutching my bag throwing it over my shoulder.

"Maeve" I heard a familiar voice shout from behind me in the distance, Luna.

I stopped walking, waiting for her to catch up. She finally reached me smiling down at me as we began to walk together.

"We still up for tonight?" Luna asked me. Shit. I forgot about that.

"I'll have to go home first to get my stuff" I told her, "ill get there by 4?"

"Yeah, that's good" she replied cheerfully.

"Who's gonna be there?" I mused, as we walked in to the A block doors to registration.

"There's gonna be 5 of us" she responded as we arrived at our form door, making our way to the back of the line, "two boys, and three girls including us"

I nervously smiled up at her, biting my nails. New people aren't really my thing. She noticed I was looking nervous, beaming at me reassuringly.

"Don't be nervous Maeve" she soothed, placing a hand on my shoulder, "they all cool. I'm here for you"

I brought her in for a hug, embracing her. I really do appreciate her being there for me. Nobody told her to care for me. She pulled out the hug, as we walked in to our form.

I sat uninterested in my chair, staring up at the clock waiting for the bell to ring. I had the last 10 minutes of math until the end of school. I'm getting used to school now. I have went to every lesson on my timetable, other than P.E which I missed because it was on before I came to Florida. I looked over at Luna beside me who looked just as bored as I was. The room was silent, we were doing a test. I came to school on a test season, which is inconvenient, although the stuff on here seems pretty easy to do. I looked back up at the clock, 7 minutes. I groaned silently to myself, falling down in to my desk. I get so agitated when I can't move for ages and I began to tap my feet against the floor. The teacher looked over at me, furrowing his eyebrows glaring at me to stop. I stared morbidly at him in disbelief before falling back into my desk.

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