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Two updates in a row holy shit



In their dying moments, all they could hear was her voice whispering in their ears, her voice echoing in their minds,

And they wondered, 

If their lives would have been different,

More lively, 

More wholesome,

More complete,

If it would have been happier,

If she had still been around.

But there was nothing to be done, for she was gone, 

Lost to the awaiting shinigami.

But for once,

They were happy, something that was rarely put in the same sentence that mentioned them,

But still, they were happy, 

Even if they didn't notice it, 

Of simply refused to acknowledge, 

Or show it,

But still, 

They were happy.

And all because of one person,

Waiting for them on the other side, 

All because of one child,

Smiling at them when they arrived on the other side,

With shining platinum blond hair,

Sparkling eyes shifting from electric blue to forest green,

And a dazzling smile that just exuded happiness.

They, despite themselves, couldn't help but return it.

"Nice seeing you again, Hoshiko."


As Obito closed his eyes, greeting death with open arms, he felt an odd sense of peace wash over him.

He opened his eyes to a clear midnight sky, twinkling with stars, cherry blossoms fluttering in the wind.

Laughter and shouts rang throughout the clearing, and an argument could clearly be heard.

"Butter ain't made out of butterflies, you dumbass. I swear to kami, Hidan, I'm telling you, butterflies aren't flies specially bred to produce butter."

"Then how the damm fuck is butter made? Cream's fucking illogical because cream ain't salty, so explain that, Hoshiko!"

"How did you survive so long?"

" 'Cause I'm fucking fabulous, bitch!"

"I give you a place to live and you still have the audacity to call me a bitch? Damm, normally, I would say you got balls to do that, but truth be told, I would be lying."

"Why yo—"

"Why me? Why not?"

Obito looked over to his right, where he saw a rather large house.

Hidan? Hoshiko?

Slowly he got up, and walked towards the house.

His hand, albeit trembling, was raised and knocked in the door.

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