Introductions/ Down Time

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Suzuki's P.O.V
I yawned as we waited for the three to get to the roof, they were sure taking their time to get up her. I sneezed just as the three made their way up onto the roof. They soon all sat down and Kakashi was talking with them about introductions.

"Why don't you go first Sensei so we know what to do." pinky said.

Weird hair color, though I guess it works.

"Hmm. My name is Kakashi Hatake. The things I like and the things I dislike... I don't feel like telling you. As for hobbies, I have lots of hobbies. Dreams for the future, hmm, haven't really thought about it." Kakashi said with a closed eye smile.

I knew he was messing around with the kids and it was pretty funny.

"All he really told us was his name." Blondie said.

"You on the right, go." Kakashi pointed to Naruto.

"Alright! The names Naruto Uzumaki! I like ramen, trying different types of ramen, oh, especially when Iruka-sensei buys me ramen at Ichiraku's. I have the three minutes you have to wait for it to cook though. And my dream is to become the greatest Hokage so people will have to acknowledge me and look up to me!!" Naruto yelled moving around a lot and messing with his headband.

"Alright, next."

"Oh,uh. My names Sakura Haruno. The things I like...*glances at Uchiha boy* or the person I like... *squeals* my dreams for the future... *glances at Uchiha boy again and squeals*!!"

"And what do you hate?" Kakashi asked. Obviously disappointed in this girl a bit.

"NARUTO!!" Sakura yelled glaring at Naruto.

"HUH?!" Naruto yelled jumping back slightly.

"Next." Kakashi pointed to the Uchiha.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I don't particularly like anything and hate a lot of things. My goal is not a dream but an ambition. I'm going to kill a certain someone and restore my clan." Sasuke said darkly.

Sakura squealed while Naruto slightly moved away looking worried.

I sighed coming out not really wanting to listen to them anymore. Kakashi would tell me about it later anyway.

"Hehehe." Kakashi chuckled.

I blinked as I came back too. Why in the world was Kakashi chuckling?

"What are you laughing about, what's so funny?!" Naruto shouted pointing at Kakashi.

"You wouldn't like it if I told you." Kakashi said amused.

"Huh?!" the three looked at Kakashi questioningly.

"You see out of all the students that passed only a few of you will pass, the rest will be sent back to the academy."


I was really getting tired of all this yelling, it was starting to hurt my ears. Oh I wonder what Pakkun is doing? I haven't seen him and the other ninken in a little while it's sort of boring.

I'm actually slightly wanting a bath, surprisingly. Having to get bathes once every week by Kakashi got me used to them and now I love them. I wonder what we will be having for dinner tonight? Well doesn't matter for me I eat the same thing majority of the time, though Kakashi sometimes shares with me his food.

"Be there at 5 AM, don't be late. Oh and don't eat breakfast unless you want to puke." Kakashi said as we poofed away.

I blinked as we were now in Kakashi's house. I had just zoned out completely without meaning to... Wow.  I hopped down form Kakashi's shoulder to drink some water inky when I came back Kakashi was laying in the couch an arm over this eye. I tilted my head to the side as I jumped up onto the couch next to him before climbing onto his chest, curling up in a ball and laying down.

Kakashi really seemed to be having a longer day then I was, and I kinda felt bad. Hmm, what if I brought him something to bring his spirits up! Yeah that could work!! I hopped down off of Kakashi causing him to lift his arm and watch me leave. I grabbed the small little money pouch that was laying on the floor as I went by.

I went over to one of the windows and opened it a little weaseling my way out of it. When outside I took off running into the village to find the shop that Kakashi and I went to a lot. Kakashi always got this eggplant Soho stuff that he really liked. So I figured I'd go there and get a to go thing.

Getting to the shop, I hopped up onto the counter next to some other ninja customers. They watched me with raised brows as I pawed at the menu.

"Suzuki? What are you doing here without Kakashi?" the owner asked.

I looked up at him, the money bag in my mouth as I pawed at the menu again.

"Alright, alright. One minute." the owner then pulled the menu out and opened it for me.

"What do you want?"

I put my paw over Kakashi's favorite and put the money pouch down. The owner raided a brow as he laughed.

"I see you're getting something for Kakashi then. Coming right up."

The few ninja around were watching amused as I sat waiting for the food. When it was done the owner put it in a to-go thing before putting it in a small bag and setting it in front of me. He grabbed the money pouch taking out the needed amount before tying it to my headband around my neck.

"There you go. Take care Suzuki."

I nodded with a yip as I grabbed the bag in my mouth hopping down from the counter then taking off running back to Kakashi's house. Jumping up to the window I push my way back in before hopping down onto the floor.

Trotting across the room I make my way back over to Kakashi, hopping up onto his chest making him jump slightly as I set the food down.

Kakashi raised a brow at me, looking to the food then the pouch around my headband on my neck. He chuckles shaking his head as he pays my head. Gabbing the food I hop off his chest as he sits up opening the bag. I wave my tails when he stops and looks in the bag before looking at me. He shakes his head again a smile hidden by his mask. Pulling out the food and setting it on the dining table.

"Thank you Suzuki, though next time a little warning." Kakashi laughed.

"You seemed down so I wanted to get you something. I figured why not something you love." I hoped up as I yipped a few times.

Kakashi laughed as he took off his mask to eat while I went to my food bowl before going into Kakashi's room curling up on the bed falling asleep.

Kakashi's P.O.V
I had to say I was surprised when Suzuki brought back my favorite eggplant soup earlier. I wasn't expecting that, though she said I seemed down and wanted to go something for me. Throwing away the takeout bag I went to the bathroom to get ready for bed before walking into my room to see Suzuki already curled up and asleep.

Smiling slightly I quietly set up for bed. Being careful not to wake Suzuki as I got into bed soon falling asleep.

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