New Hokage!

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Suzuki has been staying with Ibiki for nearly a month now, (Also just throwing in a random time that it took Naruto and Jiraiya to find Tsunade and return to the village cause I have absolutely no idea how long that would have taken but a month seems reasonable when traveling on foot, learning a new jutsu, and fighting, soooo yeah!) taking care of and teaching Suzuki figure out better how to change back to her kit form and her human form with more ease and with clothes thankfully. Suzuki takes full advantage of this, preferring to take naps in her vulpix form and travel around, while she likes to eat in her human form and express her emotions better in her human form. 

Currently the two were in one of the Interrogation rooms, Suzuki helping Ibiki while sitting on his shoulder in her Vulpix form. Snickering whenever she got to puff flames into their faces, singing them slightly while Ibiki leaned towards more physical attempts. In less then an hour the two managed to get all the information that Ibiki wanted, going back to his office to fill out papers. Suzuki curled up on Ibiki's desk in her usual spot, deciding to take a nap, though jumping with a puff of sparks when the door suddenly slammed open.

The woman huffed as she focused on Ibiki.

"Tsunade has finally returned! She's currently at the hospital checking up on Sasuke and Kakashi before she goes to the Kage tower."

Suzuki's ears perked up at the part about Kakashi. Quickly jumping odd Ibiki's desk and bolting out the room. Racing through the building, she rushes out the closing main door after another ninja. Dashing through the village towards the hospital, not slowing down the slightest, jumping around other ninja. At one point Asuma and Kurenai had stepped out into her path, Asuma having suffered from being a new launch pad for Suzuki as she jumped onto to his shoulder and off over him not stopping for a second. As Suzuki got closer to the hospital, she began focusing on Kakashi's chakra, startling some of the staff of the hospital as she went through the halls. The closer she got to Kakashi's room she faintly heard talking, one of them being the familiar voice of Kakashi. With tears in her eyes, Suzuki bursts into the room, leaping at Kakashi and transforming in the air. 

Kakashi's eyes widened as Suzuki came barreling into the room and leaped at him, but when she began to glow and change he was startled. Instead of the small kit landing on him, was a small child around the ages of 7 or 8 years old. Sniffling could be heard as the small child shook, her face buried in Kakashi's chest as she cried. Kakashi only having been awake for a couple minutes was confused by this new situation and how kit Suzuki suddenly became a human, his mind unable to fully wrap around the idea.

"Suzuki?" Kakashi questioned.

Suzuki sniffled, pulling back to rub her eyes before smiling slightly up at Kakashi and hugging him. Kakashi wide-eyed slowly wrapped his arms around Suzuki's new form. It wasn't long before Asuma and Kurenai came into the room sighing when they saw Suzuki was with a now awake Kakashi. Kakashi looked over at Asuma and Kurenai with a questioning look.

"What all happened while I was out?"

"Well, for starters, Suzuki has managed a way to take on a human form, though she doesn't seem to speak at all. Though since she has taken a liking to both forms, she needed to be taken care of while you were out of it." Asuma explained vaguely as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm assuming you guys watched over Suzuki then?" Kakashi asked.

At this both, Kurenai and Asuma looked away, confusing and slightly worrying Kakashi.

"Uh, who took care of Suzuki?" Kakashi raised a brow.

"Uh, well, you see. When you first got here, I took Suzuki out to go eat, but..." Kurenai trailed off.


Asume sighed heavily before looking at Kakashi. "It was Ibiki."

For a few moments it seemed like Kakashi wasn't bothered before slowly his eye widened and he looked down at Suzuki then back to his friends.


"Well, it's not like I had much choice. Suzuki took off after him and he just piked her up and left. He didn't really leave any room for argument, and he's helped her get a grasp on shifting forms whenever she wants." Kurenai argued.

Kakashi sighed before running his hands over his face. He still could never understand Suzuki's liking to such dangerous people, let alone Ibiki as he had told Kakashi on many occasions that he would someday steal Suzuki from him. 

"If I may interrupt your little dispute, who even is this child?" Tsunade interrupted with an frown.

"Ah, sorry. This is Suzuki, she doesn't have a last name as she's normally not human. She's a Vulpix, a type of fox like creature that can breath fire. I came across her during one of my missions a while back. Though I've just now found out about her current ability to turn into a human now." Kakashi sighed already exhausted and he only just woke up.

Tsunade quietly studied the small child before shrugging and turning to leave the room.

"Let's go Shizune."


A Few hours later that day Tsunade was announced the new Hokage of the Leaf Village. Though some complications were met at first when the Third's grandson had huddled himself in the office with traps set to keep Tsunade out. As soon as Tsunade was sat down, stacks of paperwork were set before her from the period of time the Third had been out. At this rate she was going to need a bottle of sake sooner then she thought.

(A/N: Dang Three chapters in a span of less then twelve hours...I'M ON A ROLL!!! MUHAHAHAHA!!! *cough-cough* Excuse me. X3 I still have one more day off, so now I'm just curious to see how many chapters I can get put into this while I can.)

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