Mischievous Vulpix (Filler Part 1)

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(Sorry for such a long wait. I know this is really only a filler type chapter, but I got this idea when thinking more on the ideas offered to me from Johnathan_Mandrake and started thinking of ways to eventually lead up to some possibilities to those ideas they gave me. So thank you for the ideas! and I hope you all enjoy the little fillers I plan to add in for some details on Suzuki as she grows!!)

When Kakashi told Suzuki he'd be taking Sasuke to go train for an entire month, she decided she'd go find someone to stay with for the time being. For lack of knowing, Kakashi had no idea that it would be Ibiki that Suzuki would be staying with. She rather enjoyed his company, and allowed her to get away with many mischievous things.

To say the least, Ibiki was surprised to find the little fox sitting on his desk at T&I, seeming to be smirking at the man. With a raised brow, Ibiki watched her as she later down on an open corner of his desk. With a shrug, Ibiki sat at his desk like nothing happened, continuing his work for the day, going through files. It wasn't until Shikaku walked in that Ibiki looked up from his work. Shikaku had spotted Suzuki curled up on the corner of Ibiki's desk and raised a brow in question before turning his attention back to Ibiki.

"Inoichi was able to get the information we needed from the Iwa rouge. A copy of the report will also be given to Lord Hokage before a team is sent out to retrieve the scroll." Shikaku stated his report.

Ibiki nodded before sighing and glancing at Suzuki. 

"Suzuki." Ibiki called.

This instantly got Suzuki's attention as her ears perked up before raising her head and looking at Ibiki. She tilted her head to the side slightly before standing up fully and shaking out her tails. Shikaku seeing the six tails on the small fox creature was momentarily surprised before focusing back on Ibiki.

"I want you to go with Shikaku, do what he says. Shikaku, Suzuki will deliver the copy of the report for you to Lord Hokage." Ibiki ordered before slightly shooing the two to leave.

Shikaku nodded as Suzuki hopped off the desk and followed Shikaku out of Ibiki's office. Normally she'd never really do what others told her to, though there are a select few who she won't mind doing things for. Ibiki is one of those people, the other two are Kakashi and the Hokage. Ibiki watched the two leave before returning back to his work so he could hopefully finish all this paperwork. 

Suzuki trotted playfully beside Shikaku, the Nara watching the strange fox that Ibiki seemed to like. Soon the two arrived into a room with a bunch of other ninja seeming to be working on files and organizing things. Suzuki's appearance had caught a lot of attention from the ninja as they observed her before returning to their work. One ninja that caught Suzuki's eye, had red triangle shapes under his eyes, his pupils were like that of a cats almost. Tilting her head to the side she observed him before seeming to smile at the man.

'So cool, I like him already!' surprisingly the man smiled back at her.

"Well thank you." The man made an appreciative sound.

Suzuki, shocked that she got a reply back, eyes widened. This man could understand her! He could understand her! Now super hyped up, Suzuki began jumping all around before landing in a downward dog position, her tails waving all around. Shikaku noticing Suzuki getting distracted by the Inuzuka slowed down his walk so she could still see him and catch up with him.

'You can understand!! Yes! Yes! Yes! Talk more later! work to do!!' Suzuki jumped back up chasing after Shikaku.

Leaving an amused Inuzuka behind as he watched the little energetic creature chase after Shikaku. Soon, Shikaku and Suzuki were in the Nara's office where he prepared a scroll to be delivered to the Hokage. As the Nara set the scroll down so he could find a way to fasten the scroll to Suzuki, she simply hopped up onto his desk and grabbed the scroll into her mouth before jumping back down. Shikaku looked over at Suzuki as she already had the scroll in her mouth and was waiting by the door so she could leave. Shaking his head Shikaku walked with Suzuki to the doors to open them for her, as soon as the main door to T&I was opened, Suzuki took off running at a fast pace, Shikaku would say it was somewhere between high Chunin and low Jounin. He was impressed, the creature seemed young, and to be that fast already was impressive to see. When Shikaku couldn't spot Suzuki anymore he walked back inside to continue his work.

Suzuki ran through the street of the village, jumping over and under things as she went on her way to see the old man. As soon as she delivered the scroll and got her head pats and treat she'd be on her way back to T&I to speak more with the man with red triangles on his face! With renewed strength, Suzuki focused her chakra that Kakashi had been teaching her since he found her and ran up the side of the Hokage building, her goal, the window of the Hokage office. As she reached her goal she jumped through and straight through the air, right towards the back of the old mans head. Grinning impishly as she landed, Sarutobi was slightly pushed towards his desk with a loud 'Oof' sound leaving his lips. The ANBU had jumped down ready to defend their Kage when they saw it was just Suzuki and shook their heads before hopping back up into their places among the shadows.

Sarutobi sighed, instantly knowing it was Suzuki.

"What is it now, Suzuki?"

Suzuki hopped down on his desk in front of him before placing the scroll down. When Sarutobi saw it was a T&I scroll he raised a brow at Suzuki, wondering where she had gotten this, or even was allowed into the T&I building. Getting impatient, Suzuki began to paw at the scroll, silently telling him to open the scroll already. Chuckling softly, he opened the scroll to see it was recent and new information the T&I interrogators had managed to get on one of their villages scrolls that were stolen a while ago.

Reading it further, Sarutobi read a little note from Shikaku that Ibiki had wanted Suzuki to deliver the scroll for him. His eyes widened slightly as he re-read that part over a few more times. Looking up at Suzuki with widened eyes, he found her sitting with her chest puffed up a bit and smirking impishly at him. Sighing Sarutobi rubbed his head before sealing the scroll again and setting it to the side.

"I don't even want to know how you did it."

Sarutobi then pet Suzuki for a bit before bringing out his recent new stash of jerky treats for her. He deemed it fit as she had delivered a scroll to him from T&I. Deciding that she deserved two this time. Suzuki was ecstatic about getting more then one treat this time around. Jumping around with the treats in her mouth she soon devoured them before racing off again through the window and back towards the T&I building to speak with the Inuzuka man.

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