Survival Training

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Suzuki's P.O.V
Waking up I could instantly tell that Kakashi and I were already going to be late. Stretching I hope down off the bed and go to the kitchen where my water and food bowl were. Eating and drinking quickly I go check if Kakashi is up yet.


Sighing I decide I'll just go wait at the training grounds where the students are. Running through the village I make it to the training grounds. Slowing down to a walk I stop 10 feet away from the three. I guess I had surprised them as for a few seconds they just started at me.

"Oh my gosh! It's so cute!" Sakura yelled running towards me.

My eyes widen as I exhale a large amount of flames just in front of me, stopping Sakura's advance.

"AAAHHH!!! How did it do that?!" Sakura yelled.

Naruto and Sasuke's eyes widened looking at me. I narrowed my eyes at all of them as I sit down.

'Ha! That should make them think twice about trying to pick me up!'

Shaking my tails out I lay down watching the three as I wait for Kakashi.

Kakashi's P.O.V
Waking up I yawn looking around the room. My brows slightly furrow as I notice Suzuki is not in here. Getting up I get dressed for the day and head to the kitchen. Not seeing Suzuki anywhere I notice here food bowl empty.

'She already left...'

I sigh as I quickly eat something before making my way to training grounds. As I arrived I gave my students a closed eye smile with a raised hand.


"YOU'RE LATE!" Naruto and Sara yelled.

"Well you see, a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way around."

This didn't seem to make any of them happy. As I now stood on the ground Suzuki trotted up next to me and sat by my feet. I then went in to explaining that the three had until noon to take the two bells from me.

"Whoever fails to get a bell will be sent back to the academy. Now, you'll have to came at me with the intent to kill,  so use everything you've got." I say.

"But Sensei, that's dangerous we could hurt you." Sakura commented.

'I really doubt that.'

Suzuki seemed to scoff at that she she tilted her head up away for the three.

Suddenly Naruto charged at me with a kunai. I quickly grabbed his arm and turned him around, pointing his own kunai to his head.

"I haven't said start yet but I'm starting to like you guys."

I shove Naruto back towards Sasuke and Sakura, before glancing at Suzuki.


Sakura and Sasuke instantly jumped away into the forest around us.

'Hmm, they understand that much.'

I look over to see Naruto glaring at me and slightly sweat drop.

"Compared to the others you're kinda weird."

"The only weird thing here is your hair cut!" Naruto yelled.

I then heard Suzuki laughing. Sighing I reach into my pouch for my book. Naruto got ready for an attack.

Suzuki's P.O.V
I can gladly say I didn't have to do much. I mainly sat back and watched though I was annoyed when Kakashi pulled out that Pervy book of his. If he wasn't testing Genin right now I'd toast his butt. Not to mention I was slightly impressed with some of Naruto's plans to get the bells though they had failed. By the time Kakashi began weaving hand signs I was slightly nervous for the orange boy until Kakashi had basically stuck his fingers up Naruto's but sending him flying.

'Oh gosh.... Why? Can I move out, is that an option?' I thought to myself.

Sighing I began to follow Kakashi's chakra as he was moving towards Sakura's chakra signature. I was near by when Sakura screamed and I had crouched down to cover my ears with my paws. That girl could scream and it was starting to get annoying.

I then felt Kakashi's chakra on the move again and was getting tired of walking to follow him but oh well,  I'd take my time. As I trotted out of the trees to a small clearing I stumbled upon Sasuke. He stopped walking and started at me.

'Eh, why not. I can help Kakashi and fight as well.'

I quickly leaped at Sasuke and his eyes slightly widened as he dodges. Landing I jump to the side dodging a kunai and turning back towards Sasuke. I then felt Kakashi's chakra arrive just in the tree line of the clearing. With a fox like grin I puff up my chest as I inhale, getting ready to blast some flames at Sasuke. When I do Sasuke dodges again only this time when he dodged Kakashi decided to join.

Sasuke's eyes widened as he quickly maneuvered away from Kakashi as they started fighting. Sasuke went in for a punch, Kakashi grabbing his fist. Using momentum Sasuke went for a kick instead Kakashi catching his foot with his free hand. Twisting around Sasuke brought his free leg down to kick Kakashi his free hand reaching for the bells.

Kakashi noticing his hand reaching for the bells quickly tosses Sasuke away causing Sasuke's fingers to just brush the bells.

"Not bad." Kakashi commented.

As the two battle Sasuke managed to hit Kakashi only for it to be a substitution. Sasuke looked around trying to find Kakashi only for Kakashi's hand to come out of the ground bellow him and grab his ankle, pulling him under the dirt up to his neck.

I snicker as I look at the Uchiha as Kakashi leaves. Just to make the Uchiha angry I trotted around his head in a circle with my head held high. When I glanced at the Uchiha to see him glaring at me I smirked knowing it worked. I then went back towards the main part of the training field, finding Naruto tied to a stump. Blinking I laugh rolling around on the ground only it sounded like yips to anyone else.

The timer then went off signalling the end of the test. Sasuke and Sakura soon found their way to the stumps as Kakashi then began messing with them. When they complained about not passing Kakashi went on to tell them the meaning of the test and why they had all failed. I hopped up onto his shoulder as he got up off Sasuke.

I was surprised when he said he was going to give them a second chance after they ate. But I wouldn't question him, he seen some sort of potential in them otherwise he wouldn't have given them this second chance. As we left the students to eat we kept an eye on the three.

"Do you think they will pass?" I ask quietly looking at Kakashi.

"If they can see underneath the underneath then yes. They have to learn to see through deception."

I nodded as I looked back to see them now feeding Naruto. We then appeared upfront of the three. Kakashi weaving handstand as the clouds covered the sky.

"You've dissipated my rules, do you have anything to say?"

"We're a team so Naruto needs his strength." Sasuke says.

"What Sasuke said, we're a team!" Sakura stood up.

"Yeah, yeah. Believe it!" Naruto yelled.

Looking at Kakashi he stands relaxing as the clouds disperse as he give his signature closed eye smile.

"You pass."

Their reactions were pretty funny, and by the time Kakashi explained everything they were all happy.

"You See those who break the rules are scum,  but those who abandon their friends are worse then scum."

By this point I was tired and decided to take a nap on Kakashi's shoulders. It wouldn't be long before we'd be back at the house if not at the Hokage's tower to inform the Hokage of the teams passing.

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