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Tae's POV

I called back the person after awhile he picked up the phone.

Tae-"what is it jungkook?!"

Jungkook-"tae have you seen soonae im worried I dont know where she went?"

Tae-"yah I know but you dont need to"

Jungkook-"tae are you ok you sound pissed?"

Tae-"THAT'S BECAUSE I AM JUNGKOOK!" He yelled into the phone.

Jungkook-"t-tae why?" he got scared when taehyung said his name he did not like it and he new that tae was varry mad.

Tae-"ITS YOU QUIT SCAREING HER YOU DUMBASS!" I yelled even when I hate yelling at him.

Jungkook-"tae i-im sorry I did not know you cared for her that much"


tae stopped yelling when he relized that you could probly hear.

Tae-"look-" I got cutt of when I hered soonae call my name.

"Oppa umm..."

I turned toward her direction and forgot jungkook was still on the phone.


I hered jungkook yell on the phone and and I hung up.

"D-did you need something noona?" I turned to her and she starred back at me from on the steps and looked down a little nervouse.

"Umm..." she rubbed the back of her neck"yah uh...d-do you mind i-if I take a s-shower" I sighed and smiled at her.

"Yes of course come with me" I smiled and led her to my room.

"Uh...do you not have another bathroom?"

"Oh well the other one does not run water yet soooo" he looked down at me.

"Oh ok then d-do you mind?" He gave me a confussed face then looked I looked around the bathroom and bit my lip to get him to notice.

"Oh...oh yeah" he blushed a little then walked out putting his hands in his pockets looking down.

In the shower it so beautiful it was lovely the way the water flowed down on my skin, and how clean it was I looked up and the water ran down my neck and  all my thoughts about jungkook flowed into my head I started to cry feeling so guilty...but for what? I did nothing wrong. I forgot that I was not the only one in the house and me like my emotional self started to cry louder and louder almost screaming of pain in my heart from the memories that played repeatingly in my head.

Then there was a loud nock on the door and I ignored it and kept crying letting it all out. Then taehyung flew the door open with a worried look on his face.

"Soonae are you ok are you hurt?!!" Taehyung said and I peacked my head out from the shower curtan making sure he could not see my body.

"N-no i-im fine tae just...e-emotional t-that's all" I blushed at him so worried about me.

He but his hand on his chest and took a deep breath of relief.

"Oh my gosh soonae p-please dont do that you scared me!" he said and smiled at me.

"I-im sorry " I looked away and hid in the shower curtan he new I was upset.

"D-do you want to talk about it?" He said and gave me a smile which made my heart feel warm inside knowing that I could trust him.

"Well...first dont stand at the door you letting in all the cold air" he smiled and closed the door behind him walking in and sitting down on he toilet seat.

"Tae can I tell you a story?" He nodded and smilled.

{Flash Back}

2 years ago.

Soonae's POV

It was jungkooks birthday and I could not wait to see him after all me and him have been together for awhile.

I went over to the café and bought his favorite cappichino for him and there was a couple kissing on the bench outside. It was bright and sunny and everything was perfect.

I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. I watched the couple outside thinking of how cute they were I saw the man pick up his phone from outside and reconized the color of hair he had the same as jungkook's I walked out side to see if it was him I tapped on the mans shoulder and he turned around. I dropped my phone on the sidewalk and it shattered into pieces.

"J-jungkook?!" I said in shock.

"Oh...wait soonae I can explaine!!" I slapped him across his face.

"Were done" I said and walked away .

{End Of Flashback}

"Oh my jungkook did that?!" Tae said and I laughed.

"Yah he did" I turned off the water

"THAT LITTLE SHIT HE IS SO DEAD!!" He yelled causing me to jump a little I blushed.

"Uh tae?" He looked my direction.


"C-can you h-hand me a towl plaese" my face was red and he grabbed a towl off the shelf but before handing it to me he said somthing that made my heart flutter.

"Oh...and by the way...that shower curtan is a little see through just saying he smirked and ran away.

"TAE YOU LITTLE FUCKING PERVERT!!" He laughed on his way down stairs with some cloths in his hand.

I got out of the shower, put my towl on and was ready to make him pay.


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