1. New Town, Same Story

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I don't know why my mum decided to move back to the town I once called home. Around 5 years ago my mum and packed our things, leaving my 2 older brothers behind, and move to Manchester, England. She never gave me a reasonable explanation on why she wanted to move, but I went with it thinking it would be a great idea which at first it was. I made new friends, went to a hell of a lot of Manchester United games -which is like my favourite team- and I met the love of my life. Well at least I thought. Zayn was the perfect boyfriend and I thought he loved me, that was until he put me in the hospital and never spoke to me again. Maybe that's why mum made us move back to Australia. Because I nearly got killed by someone she trusted with her son's heart. 

My mum has been some what supportive of my sexuality, but I know she thinks I'm the 'devil's son' which in a way I am. My dad left when I was 14 so almost 3 years. I couldn't care, I hated the asshole anyway. He always hated the fact that I was gay and would hit me senselessly. That's probably why he left. The last words he ever said to me and my mum was 'I hope you burn in hell faggot!' then slammed the door in our faces and he never came back. Like I said I couldn't care.

"Where is it? Fuck where the hell is it?" I yelled. I was looking the one thing I needed and since we moved back I haven't been through all my boxes to find it. Hell I didn't need it until today. I looked through the last box and found it. Finally. I held it up in my fingers like it was the key to the city. I brought it to my lips and kissed the shit out of it. I got off the floor and locked myself in the bathroom. I didn't need to lock it because my mum was gone, but I didn't want her to make a surprise appearance and catch me in my 'special' time. 

I rolled my sleve up to my elbow, readjusted the tiny, thin silver object in my fingers, and brought it to my skin. There wasn't anymore room on my wrists so I was either forced to move it up higher on my arm or cut over old wounds. Might as well make new ones. I put pressure on the blade and once I saw a drip of blood come from my arm and I glided the blade across my skin. I winced at first, but threw my head back like I was having the most pleasurable moment in my life. I lifted it up and kept digging more cuts to make it a totally of twelve for today. 

I grabbed a wet rag and put it over my cuts. That was the part I hate. The cold water hit my veins and sent chills throughout my bloodstream. I winced in pain more than I did earlier and got the bandages I had laying on the floor next to me. I wrapped the bandages around my bleed wrists and cleaned the bathroom up before I forgot to do it, which I did one time and almost got caught by my ex-boyfriend, god it hurts the call him that. I got out of the bathroom and put my blade in my dresser under my clothes so that only I could find it. 

"Luke!" I jumped when I heard my mum shout my name from downstairs. I rolled my sleeves back down to cover my bandages and I went to the top of the stairs. 

"What?" I said walking to the kitchen. I swy she had bags full of school supplies. Freak I forgot about school. It's almost the end of the year and I know people are going to think I'm some sort of freak. They always do. 

"I bought your school supplies while I was out so go upstairs and fill this backpack up with these and then come back down for dinner. Alright bubby?" I hated when my mum called me that because it makes me seem like a child. To her I still am. At least it shows that she's trying to care. 

"What are we having to eat?" I asked grabbing the bags full of supplies. Did she buy the whole damn supply section, goddamn mum. 

"Is pizza okay." I frowned and looked at the ground. Really freaking pizza again? "I'm sorry sweetie. I'll cook tomorrow. I've just been unpacking and I'm exhausted." She said, putting her hand on my shoulder for comfort. 

"It's okay mum. I'll go to the local diner and get us something so we can mix it up a bit." I said smiling at her.

"How did I get so lucky to have a son like you. I wish your brothers were like you." She said and I laughed at her comment. 

I walked back upstairs and put the bags on my bed, grabbed my wallet, and walked out of the house. It was getting to be dark out, but I didn't feel like driving. I actually prefer walking more than driving and I know I sound like a tree huger or some one whose all about saving the environment, but what did the environment do for me? It gave me air and beautiful sunsets, but that's about it. The environment has been nothing, but cruel to me. I just enjoy walking to better my figure. Give me those rock hard calves and hot bod stomach that all the guys, and girls, love. 

I got to the diner and it was to be expected. Empty except for the couple making out in the corner, but I tried not to pay any attention. It seemed like he payed attention to me though because I could feel him stare and I tried to shake it off, but he just kept staring. 

I ordered my food and waited for it to be cooked. I took a seat in a booth and looked through twitter to see what everyone was saying back home. "Hey, you're the new kid right?" The guy who was having a heated making out to staring me down said. I ignored him because I didn't know who he was and if school taught me anything it was 'stranger danger'. "Hey!" He said getting up and yelling in my face. He grabbed my arm and forced me to look at him. "I asked you a question?" I just stayed quiet. What the hell was this guy's problem? I heard my order number being called and I got up from the booth. I grabbed my bag and left the diner, but was followed by 'anger management.' "Hey, I'm not done talking to you." I kept walking til I felt him grabbed my arm and pulled me back. 

The next thing I knew I was on the ground and my cheek was aching with pain. I put my hand on it thinking it would help, but it didn't. It only made it worse. He griped my shirt and raise my upper half to meet half way. His fist collided with my nose and then my jaw. "Ashton!" I heard a girl cry. He let go of me and spat on my face. I lifted myself off the ground and grabbed my bag of food. I felt a couple drops of blood fall from my nose and I grabbed a couple napkins from the bag and put it against my nose to calm the bleeding. 

Once I got home my mum was lying on the couch sleeping. I put her food in the fridge and got mine and went upside along with a bag full of ice for my jaw and cheek. 

I put the wrappers in the trash can by my bed after I was finished eating. I took my shirt and pants off and crawled into bed with just my boxers on. I hate it when I sleep in an empty bed. I cannot sleep, I cannot dream at all and I need to go to sleep because of school. I pull my phone out and plug my headphones into my ears. Might as well play music. I turned on Blink-182 and started to slowly fall asleep to the beat of 'I miss you' which was perfect for this situation because even if I hated to feel this way, I miss Zayn and getting hit today made me miss him even more. God, was my heart really that broken to realize what he did to me or was it just denial. Why did I even have to go to the damn diner?

*A/N yay I updated, even if it's the first day. Also I'm actually really proud of this part. 


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