6. New Guy In Town

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Well that went well. I didn't mean to say that to Ashton but he was right. I started this whole thing by kissing him first. If I could take it back, I would think about it, but I wouldn't want to. I didn't have the right to tell him to leave, but he was telling me thinks he has feelings and they were sweet and I loved them, but we meet two days ago. How can you be feelings things for someone when A) You put them in the hospital and B) You made their mother feel like absolute shit. I couldn't look him in the eyes and tell him I didn't feel the same way because deep down I did feel the same way. He is always on my mind and I don't know what to do. I don't want another relationship where I live in constant fear that I could go home and get beat to shit. I can't go through that again and I know Ash is sorry, but who knows. He could crack and lash it out on me. If he doesn't get an A on a test or he doesn't make line-up for the school football game, he could find me and beat me to a pulp. Why can't I find a love worth loving for.

I heard the door open and saw a pretty brunette walk in. "Good afternoon Luke. Guess who gets to go home tomorrow?" She said holding a cup of water and my daily pills in her hands. She had the most energetic smile which I wish I had. I know Ashton said I had a beautiful smile, but I wish it wasn't so fake.

"I guess I am." I said with the fakest smile ever. I just wish I was happy and the only person who can make me happy just left and probably won't even talk to me again. I should've just listened to him, but no I had to be a dick about it.

She nodded and handed me the pills I had to take for my back and ribs which were healing up nicely without the meds. I threw them in my mouth and downed it with the water in the cup. I handed her the empty cup and she left and again I was left alone. My mum still hasn't come back so I assume she went to bed which I couldn't complain because she looked so tired all the time.

I sat and waited for someone, anyone, to come walking through the door, but no one came through.

After hours of silence I turned off all my lights, except for the bathroom, and went to sleep, facing away from the door. After a few hours I felt someone's stare from the door, but didn't have the pair to turn and see who it was.

The next morning I was packing to leave. I was so happy to get out of here that I nearly shit myself while getting out of bed. Did I ever say that I hate hospitals? No, well I HATE hospitals.

I opened the door and felt something under my foot. I looked down and saw an envelope. I opened it and saw nothing but confusion. 'I'm sorry. Please forgive me.' Was all it said. Nothing saying who it was from or anything, just saying that they were sorry and for what?

Wow, you never know how good your bed feels until you've been away from it for days. I always thought my bed was as hard as a rock, but it's a soft as a fucking pillow. I love this bed and my home. It feels good to be home.

"Luke! You have mail." My mum said yelling from downstairs. I slowly got off the bed and headed downstairs. Once I did my mum handed me my mail and I kindly took it. I walked back upstairs and turned my tv on and watched Adventure Time reruns while opening my mail.

"College, College, Col-wait what do we have here?" I whispered. I tore the envelope opened and it was in the same handwriting as the one from the hospital. Who is this person? 'Meet me by the slide at the park tonight @ 10. I want to talk ;). -A' Was this some type of pretty little liars thing I didn't know or a prank show. I assume that 'A' stood for Ashton. I don't want to see him, but I do understand where he's coming from. If I was in his shoes I would want to talk to, to see what the other person felt and to be honest I don't know what I'm feeling. Mostly pain and sadness, but when Ash held my hand I felt comfort and safe, which I've never felt before with someone. Not even with Zayn.

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