7. Close as Strangers

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I woke up the next morning with the sun in my eyes, the birds chirping, and the annoying of my phone vibrating. Twitter was off the charts and I’d gotten a message from my sweet boyfriend. Everyone should start their mornings like this. 

To: Luke

From: Zayn

‘Good morning babe. I wanted to let you know how hard it’s going to be to keep my hands off you if you keep wearing skinny jeans. It was a struggle last night just trying to keep myself from ‘catching up.’ I love you and don’t ever let anyone tell you other wise. I want to move past all the bad and start fresh. I can’t wait to see your beautiful face at school.’ 

To: Zayn

From: Luke

‘Thanks baby. I love you so much and can’t wait to see you in a bit. Meet me at my locker by the gym.’ 

I got out of bed, more like rolled, and went to the bathroom. I was still in a state of shock thinking about Zayn moving to Sydney, just to make us work. If that’s not desperation and love then I don’t know what is. Honestly he has changed. He’s not the tough asshole he once was. Maybe he was trying to fit in with his friends. They were all on the football team. I know, first Zayn and now Ash, but trust me, footballers are the way to go. They can do amazing things and not just with their feet. 

I was kind of a little nervous to see Zayn. I don't know why. Maybe it was the fact that he came out of the blue and wanted to pick up the broken pieces of our relationship and continue where we left off. I missed him a lot, but this didn’t feel right in a way. He deserves a shot to prove to me that he is sorry and won’t do it again, but I have this feeling that it will happen again. 

I got to school and walked to my locker. I saw a tall, tan boy standing there. God, he’s changed so much from the Zayn I saw a month ago. He used to be a boy, but now he’s a man. I take a deep breathe and walk over to him. “Hi, babe.” I said smiling. He looked up from his phone and pecked my lips. 

“Hello my blue eyed freak.” he smirked which made me blush. “Who’s the guy staring at you.” 

“What?” I turned around and saw Ashton with his face red, jaw clenched, and his fists balled. I can understand where he was coming from, but I- I’m so confused. I love Zayn, but Ashton was there. He actually gave me sympathy and he visited me when no one else did. Zayn never did. I really need some guidance. I wish I could go to my mum, but she can’t know Zayn’s back time or we’ll leave again. Who knows anymore. I saw Ashton yell at the girl he was talking to and storm off. What the hell is his problem. She did nothing wrong. He must be on his man period or something because he never went off on someone like that. 

Ashton’s POV:

I was standing there waiting for Luke to go to his locker. I really need to talk to him about us. Where we stand. I wanted to know how he felt, but I saw this guy who I’ve never seen before waiting by his locker. I saw Luke and was about to walk up to him until I saw him kiss the guy and call him babe. What the- that’s not. Is that his ex. He told me or I thought he was done with him, with everything considering. I was so hurt and angry that he lied to me. I really want to talk to him, but now I can see that’s not going to happen. 

“ASHTON!” The girl, Mariah, yelled at me. Luke and his boy toy looked at me and so did everyone else. 

“WHAT!" I yelled and everyone looked at me including Luke. I looked back at her and saw hurt in her eyes. "I um, have to go to class. I’ll see you in science.” I picked up my backpack and started walking to my gym class and walked past Luke. 

“Ashton, I-” He started, but I kept walking to the gym. 

I heard him follow me into the locker room. “Luke, can’t you see I don’t want to talk to you.” I yelled. 

“I’m sorry. He showed up last night and I missed him so much. You just don’t understand.” 

“What don’t I understand. He put you in the hospital. He tried to kill you. Why in god’s name would you go back to someone like him. I don’t know. I wasted my time thinking about you. I want you to forget about me, forget we ever met, forget everything.” I said heading for the door. At this point I'd rather go home or book the first flight out of Sydney, that's how mad I was. 

“Ashton please. I didn’t think he’d follow me. He fucking broke the law by being here, but I don’t know.” 

“You don’t know what? You don’t know who you want or what you want. Let’s see someone who strangled you and left you gasping for air or someone who actually came to visit you in the hospital even though he put you in there.”

“Ashton-” He said grabbing my arm, making sure I didn't leave. I looked into his eyes and all I wanted was to never see them again.

“Goodbye, Luke.” I turned to look away, but Luke gripped my cheeks and pulled me towards him. He latched his lips against mine and he moved them in sync with me. He slipped his tongue in and I followed. I pushed him against the lockers, gently, and slipped my hands under his shirt. He hissed when I moved up his ribs and I pulled them down. I bit his lip and he moaned curse words. God he was turning me on so much. I moved my hands down to his jeans and undid the button and zipper, but pulled away. This wasn’t right. As much as I wanted to, I just couldn’t. I rested my forehead against his and balled my hands into fists. 

I don’t know why I was angry, I just was. Maybe I was more hurt than angry. He made me feel things that I never did with anyone else and he just threw it all away. I raised my fist and punched the locker by his head. I saw him flinch, but I didn’t care. “He’s going to hurt you. Why can’t you see that?” I whispered. I closed my eyes because I didn’t want him to see my eyes brimming with tears. 

“I refuse to Ashton.” He said, buttoning his pants and zipping up his zipper. “He said he wanted to start over, so I’m giving him the chance to prove that to me.” 

“Fine, I don’t care. I don’t know why I ever did. You don’t care either so you know what Luke. Fuck you. I mean what are you going to do if he tries to kill you again. Will you run back to him. Yes you will because you ‘love him’, but how can you love someone when you live in constant fear of them. Luke, I want you to look me in the eyes when I say this.” He moved his eyes up so they were looking in mine. “If he hurts you again, don’t come running to me because I won’t be there to open the door.” I stepped away from him and saw hurt in eyes. He was so confuse. I didn't care though. I walked out of the locker room with tears running down my face. To stay or not to stay is the question. Well, mum, Harry, and Lauren are all at grandma’s so might as well stay home then stay at this fucking place. Maybe I’ll go to Michael’s. At least Calum will be there from UNI. Hopefully. I need to drink and smoke and do stupid teen shit just to get over him. Even if I didn't want to. 

*A/N: Yayy we updated.*

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