Chapter 1

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Eren's POV

It was a normal day, I went to class, sassed some teachers, relaxed with my friends at lunch and getting ready for lunchtime soccer practice.

Everything was coming up Eren, but that Horse just had to ruin it!

Right now I'm sitting in front of the principal and my soccer coach with bloody knuckles, a busted lip and an ice pack on my head.

"Yeager we've been over this, you need to learn to control yourself!" Principal Eyebrows, as we call him, exclaims rubbing his temple in annoyance.

"Its not my fault he got all in my face." I muttered but he still heard and was about to yell at me until the school nurse/counselor Ms. Zoe walks in with medical supplies.

"Sorry to interrupted but I need to patch up Eren." The principal nods and she gets to work on my knuckles.

"How is Jean doing?" Coach Pixel asks in concerned, I mean why wouldn't he be? That Horse is his star player.

"He is worse shape than Eren that's for sure, luckily nothing to serious." Coach Pixel sighs in relief at the news. I honestly could care less about that Horse, he gives those majestic animals a bad name.

"Okay, Eren do you remember what happened? Like what Jean said or did?" I shook my head no and Ms. Zoe sighed in response and stood up to walk next to the principal.

"You don't remember anything, nothing at all?" The principal says staring into my soul.

"I remember him saying something about my parents but that's about it." I say crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair.

Ms. Zoe started writing something down and then turned to the principal who looked done with my bullshit already.

"Eren I'm sorry but at this rate we'll have to pull you out of soccer." Principal Eyebrows say making my eyes widen.


"I don't wanna hear it!"

"I don't think that's a good idea Erwin." Ms. Zoe says, at least she's sticking up for me. "Sports is the best way for him to express his anger without hurting others."

"Tell that to the kid from the Garrison who pushed Eren during half time and got the snot beaten out of him." Principal Eyebrows say as I lowered my head to hide my smile. Hey the kid asked for it.

"Okay but give him a chance Erwin." Ms. Zoe says giving him puppy eyes.

"Fine, he has three strikes. After the third he's done with soccer and this school. Any objection?" Principal Eyebrows says raising one the caterpillars on his forehead.


"I see no problem with it."

"Eren?" Coach Pixel says looking at me.

"Sure, whatever."

With that I was dismissed and was allowed to go to class.


"Yes! The weekend!"

"Later Eren."

"See you later."

"Bye guys!" I exclaimed as I ran out of the school. I have to get ready for tonight or else my superiors will kill me.

Once I reached a good distance away from the school, I started walking. Today was stressful I hate blacking out like that, I can't even remember what he said. He said something about my parents, I blacked out and next thing I know I'm getting pinned down by five teachers and Jean was a bloody mess on the floor. I looked at my knuckles which were wrapped in gauze.

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