Chapter 14: Together Again

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Monel's POV

He's awake. He's here in my arms. As I watch him as he sleeps, I can feel deep inside me that his breath and his smell are all familiar and giving me the nostalgic feeling as if I always wake up in the morning to this beautiful creature sleeping soundly in my embrace. The twins are sleeping on the sofa bed with their uncles as I watch my  beloved Kittinan in his somber. But, what if I will not be able to retrieve all the memories I have with him, will he still accept me as Monel? Will he still convince me to be his Ming for there is no guarantee that I can ever be that man again?

Kit: Morning, Monel.

I was surprised he called me by that name. I was still staring at the little guy as he snuggled in my chest. He called my name again and looked at me waiting for my response. But I was just staring at him. Looking deep into his eyes and wanting to know if I will be able to pull away his eyes from Ming and redirect it to me. I can see how deep he looked into my eyes as if I can feel him looking directly into my soul. He has this puzzling look on his face as if he knows what I am thinking right at this moment.

I felt him stand up and removed himself from my embrace. He put his hands and cupped my face. He stared deep inside my eyes as I concentrate mine on his. I felt his soft lips against mine. I was surprised but I kissed him back. The kiss lasted for few seconds and he called my name again. I took one of his hands and started kissing it  multiple times. I felt him flinched and got to me closer. He is now sitting on top of me. I can feel his body against mine. 

Kit: Monel. Whoever you maybe. Whatever name you have. You are my soulmate. You are the same person who I fell in love with and I will always love. You may forgot the memories we used to have, we can create new ones. There is no need for you to rush. What matters now is you are here with me, with our kids. Our family is complete. We are together again. 

When he said that, all the doubt and fears piling up inside started to dissipate. All it remains are hope and my deep indescribable love for him and to my twins. He is mine. They are mine. I started to sob as I put my arms around his waist and snuggled my face into his belly. Then a memory popped into my head. I remembered doing the same thing, the only difference was he was pregnant with the twins. I can feel them kicked inside his tummy. It made me feel happy so so happy. I hugged him tighter as he hugged me back when he put his arms around my neck.

Monel: I will remember like I remembered a moment ago when the twins were still in your tummy like it was yesterday and I am doing the same thing like this right now. I remembered the vow we had in our first and second official wedding. I remembered your bright smile and  your warm embrace. 

 I let him go and pulled him closer and our faces are inch away. I kissed his forehead and traced my kisses to his both cheeks, then his nose and kissed him deeply in his lips. I put my arms around his waist and feel his warmth against my body. We parted to take a breather.

Monel: I remembered your sweet lips. Your addictive kisses. I may not have all the memories we had but here in my heart. I remember how I deeply undeniably love you and the twins. And I promise to myself, to you and to the kids that no matter what, I will always always love you and will never ever let you shed another tear or even leave you for just one second at your side. I will promise that you will only have my heart.

I kissed him again. This time it lasted more than a minute. Our kiss is like the one we had last time. Desperate and longing for each other. I do not want it to end. I want to kiss him all day and I want to kiss him for two years worth of now having his lips against mine. Our kisses are getting hotter and more passionate..

Cop: Mommy? Daddy?

We immediately parted our lips and looked at one of our twins who recently woke up. He was brushing his eyes with the use of his hands as he looked at us with his big smile across his face. We called to him and he happily run and lunged towards to our embrace. Kim woke up and saw us three and he hurriedly jump off from the sofa bed and joined our family group hug. I saw tears forming in Kittinan's eyes. I wiped it with my hands and told him.

Monel: I did promise you that I will never let you shed another tear.

Kit: But, these are tears of joy.

Kim and Cop: Mommy, Daddy. We love you.

Kit and Monel: We love you too.

We stayed like that for almost an hour and not wanting to let any of them go. No one wants to let any of us go. We're together again. Our family is complete. I may not have all the memories that Ming has but I know I will be able to get them back like I did having my real family back. I will protect them from anyone who will cause harm to my family regardless who they are. Kittinan felt the tension and hugged us tighter.

Kit: You're not alone on this Monel or Ming. Whoever you maybe for you are the only man I ever love and the only father to these beloved twins. We're all in this together.


Sorry for the late update for I have been very busy with my studies and part time job. I am unsure if I will continue this book for I have so many ideas I want to try for my favorite couple but I want to write it separately from the plot of the original series 2 moons and I might still use their series name for I still get confuse at Tee and Tae identity. Ahahahaha, I will let you know. 

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