With a New Team

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-Adrian's POV-

It's been... idk how many years since I've seen the real world, I almost forgot who I am, and what I was doing, but if it wasn't for this Ghost guy, I'd kick off in his ass.

But, he seems pretty chill, has a thick Texan accent, and got some truly weird friends.

You got this skeleton dude, who is got all this black and white shit on him, and white x's all over himself,
another skeleton who looks like some prince of moons of some shit, and this giant metal suit.

Now I almost killed the skele-fucks because you know, I'm the fuckin' H.E.C.U. And they are a threat to me, but Ghost said, "No, these are a team to stop a bigger threat." I asked, "Pfft... what threat? Aliens?"
He then said, "No, that guy's brother, Dream."
After awhile, I got know them better, the two were Cross, and Nightmare, Cross was a trained sniper and showed off his AWP named "Headhunter" and he told me about who he was and all that, and he was Ghost's right hand man. He two was pretty chill, and I liked him (even if he was edgy).

Nightmare however... was just a broken man... he was crying and was mopping around, I came over, and asked, "Hey pal, what's wrong with ya?" He said, sobbing, "I-I lost my brother, D-Dream... he was s-so close to m-me..." he was just plain out crying, and he was just losing everything, and then, to make him feel better, I said, "Pal, we lose stuff, including people we are close to. I lost my bro a long time ago. And I barely know him." He then understood, and started to light up, giving me a good look.

But we got the call from Ghost, we were leaving a place called Underswap. I grabbed a M4 Carbine, and left with the others.

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