Systematic Failure

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"Oh Cross... you are so petty...."

Cross was starting to bleed, as purple blood, drops to the ground,

As both Adrian and Ghost runs out of the room, and grab their things, Adrian his gun, and Ghost his Nightmare Suit. But unfortunately, Dream knew Ghost's one weakness in that suit, the regulator was not totally protected, so, Dream, comes to Ghost in the suit, and destroys the regulator just as he does the transformation sequence. Ghost, hits the ground, but gives Adrian just enough time to save Cross.

Ghost, however was now a prisoner in his own suit, as the transformation causes the suit to affect Ghost, which causes him to transform as well, as he tries to walk back in, as Dream left, Adrian tried to help Ghost.

"ADRIAN, GET AWAY FROM ME!" Ghost screams at Adrian, as he runs over, Ghost falls with a loud thud. Adrian then looks in horror as Ghost, has now been corrupted by the Apple, and starts walking towards him, slowly like a zombie. Nightmare then tries to help Cross, as he was bleeding. Adrian, is then forced to shoot Ghost, but it does absolutely nothing to him. Ghost then speaks to Adrian, "A-Adrian...get the h-hell out of h-here..."
Adrian says to Ghost, "No! I'm not leaving a man behind to die!" Ghost then pushes Adrian and says, "No...y-you need t-to...please..." but then Cross,  I still bleeding, grabs an emergency antidote that is designed for this reason, and stabs it into Ghost's thigh. Ghost then falls and hits the ground, again.

"Ghost? Are you ok?"
"Ugh...shit...I feel like absolute shit."
"Well at least your ok."
*cough* " least... fuck... the regulator is broken and the suit is bricked."
"What does that mean?"
"I can't use it, Cross. It's fucked, all systems are bricked, and the reactor is dead. It's done for, so, here, could you help me?"
"Yeah... Ok..."

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