The Fight Goes On

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As Ghost then lunges to Dream again he slams Dream with a enough force that knocks him to the ground, which then he then tries to get Ghost off, but now his powers are almost inadequate against the mass of the suit, which, in a last ditch effort, shoots one arrow into Ghost's left armor plate, which does nothing, but gives him a chance to get him off and attack, Nightmare goes in and lassoes Dream into the ground, which prompts Dream to attack, further. Dream is now cornered by the massive hunk of metal, and heavy weapons of Ghost's X-02, and his Brother's immense power and experience....

But he does not surrender, he fights on, as blood comes from his mouth, yet Determination is on his side but...

Adrian then takes the chance to then help the fight...

Screaming loudly to induce fear, Dream cowers as Adrian gets out a combat knife and charges at Dream, stabbing him many times. Dream then starts to bleed as Adrian shows no emotion, or mercy, as he goes and keeps stabbing, until he is knocked back by Dream, now bleeding and in pain, but Ghost and Nightmare take the advantage, and attacks Dream repeatedly, as he can't do anything as both are fast, and deliberate. Dream is starting to lose his focus and he can't think as blood drips from his mouth, and his chest, he can't fight no more and collapses to the ground, in defeat.

Ghost then takes the lifeless body of Dream, who has passed out.

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