a long lost friend

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^that picture is from one of my friends' profiles on instagram. she draws and paints. and she's probably going to kill me for posting her art on here heheh
this was actually her essay, for english, i asked her whether i could tweak it (hello originality) and then publish it cause its good and she was like 'eh' so here ya go! she's next to me as we type 
enjoy! (:

word count - 1554


The humid air of January gently blew, stirring the leaves on the ground. As the brown-green leaves pirouetted in mid-air, Jenny Chu was seated on a bench, a cup of iced tea in her hands. Gently smoothing her hands up the sides of the polystyrene cup, Jenny felt the radiating cold and the soft clinking the ice cubes made at the slightest movement. 

The twenty-three year old college student focused her attention back to the notes on her lap.  Currently one of the most promising students in Genetic Engineering, Jenny was determined to make it into the Dean List this semester. She tried long and hard to not let her wandering thoughts to  take over her racing brain, yet she failed. Her thoughts were back to her childhood, and memories filled her mind like pictures in motion. 

Jenny often found herself in this situation; trying hard to be productive, then daydreaming about the past. Her thoughts were now solely on her blue-eyed best friend, Daniel. It was safe to say, it had been years since she had seen him. 

The two met on a day in Spring, when the daisies and sunflowers were in full bloom and mesmerizing any passers-by with their eye-catching beauty. Two curious five-year olds were looking up at the large building in front of them, the place they would spend the next two years of their lives, the kindergarten. 

The raven-haired girl had turned to look at the brunette next to her, eager to make a new friend. 

"Hi, I'm Jenny" 
She stuck her right hand out as a form of greeting. 

The young boy took her hand, shook it and answered,
"I'm Daniel".

It had been the start of a friendship people grew to envy. 

Fast forward three years, Jenny and Daniel were rambunctious eight year olds, stirring up trouble in every place they set foot at. The closeness between the two had sparked friendships among their parents as well and it was a well-known fact that the two stayed over at each others' houses way too often. 

They had been attached by the hip. There was rarely a time when you would not have seen Jenny without Daniel accompanying her or vice versa. Every night, they'd sit on the bench smack in the middle of the distance of both their houses, look up at the stars and goof off to the things only best friends would understand. 

They had so many inside jokes that one would not understand what they were talking about if they suddenly got involved in a conversation with them. 

In school, they had been 'The Musical Pair'. They both shared a love for music, Daniel's more prominent than Jenny, and they spent hours on end practicing the pieces they wanted to learn together. Often, Jenny would fall asleep to Daniel playing a sweet, lilting melody on the cello. 

A Long Lost Friend ~d.j.s °ONE SHOT°Where stories live. Discover now