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okay i have been mia a long time heh... sorry about that... here's a draft i penned in march that i found and finished in ten minutes..

sorry if it's horrible💛

💛🌻i love you all🌻💛


laughter filled the midnight air. the moon's gentle beams gave a gentle glow to the forest floor. leaves crunched below the soles of two teenagers' feet as they walked along the gravel path in the middle of the woods. the sounds of the insects in the forest creating a symphony, one so beautiful, the two who always chatted in each other's presence, kept quiet. 

it was a hot night, and it was dark. the minute they had stepped into the woods, it was like learning what it was like to be blind. all they could see was darkness. the color black. Every step they took was like taking  step into oblivion, not knowing where to place their feet, the constant fear of stepping on something they weren't supposed to step on. 

maybe that was the thrill they found in their monthly night walks. 

they always had this little tradition of theirs. night walks every month. specifically, in the woods. 

melody almost fell. the path was getting harder to walk on, probably because it was so far into the woods. she let out a little squeal and held onto daniel's arm, steadying herself. 

the sudden weight on his arm almost caused him to twist back in fright, but realizing it was only melody, the blue-eyed brunette curled his arm around her waist. 

"lost your balance, babe?"

"how'd ya know?"

"you're clumsier than a toddler taking his first steps, and i've known you for a long time. it'd be a crime to not know. should i remind you of the time you got doused in your salad bowl from chipotle 'cause you tripped?" a cheeky grin rested on his face. 

"i hate you for this so much" she still hadn't let go of his arm. 

the trekked on, bathed in the silky glow of the moonlight. 

a good 0.8 kilometers into the trek, melody let out a little gasp. 

she'd spotted something green flitting past her. her arm tightened around daniel's.

just when she had turned to him, dozens of green lights filled the night air. 

"fireflies" melody breathed. 

she had always wanted to see fireflies.
he remembered.

"anything you have on your bucket list babe? "

"yeah.. i wanna see fireflies on any of our monthly walks"

"any reason why?"

"well, it's romantic" she giggled.
"and... well, it reminds me of how there is always light in darkness. Kind of like how you came into my life when I was going through something".

the girl smiled at him, rising up on her toes to kiss him on the cheek.

the gravel path ended. a quick flash of their torch lights indicated they were at a clearing. 
they had reached their destination. 

there were trees standing tall around them, but not for a good 500 meters. the distance was perfect for laying back on the grass and gazing at the stars. 

daniel had read about this place. this very clearing where they now stood was where many people often flocked to stargaze. to his delight, the clearing was empty, leaving him and melody secluded. 

"look above, love"

the raven haired girl turned her head upwards, a collective gasp emitting from her cherry red lips.

up above, in the night sky, shone hundreds of stars, twinkling, dancing, teasing the onlookers eye with its enthralling beauty. the midnight blue streaks enhancing the heavens, the stars were forming patterns that melody had so often seen in her astronomy books.

she turned her head towards the boy standing next to her, a broad smile set on her lips.

he looked at her, his cerulean eyes twinkling. so very much like the stars.

excitement filled her entire being as she gazed above, her mind forming lines, connecting one white hot star to another, until one, two, nine different constellations were spotted.

a warm hand snaked around melody's waist. she put an arm around the tall brunette next to her, snuggling herself into his side, the body warmth radiating off him being a solace for her cold body.

she kicked back, threw off her sneakers, tightened her arms around the boy and sat down on the grass, i relishing the cool night air, the captivating scenery and the humble twenty year old next to her.

pressing a kiss to his cheek, melody looked at him, memorising every dip and curve on his face. the smile that graced her cheekbones doubled in size when he turned towards her, leaned to her ear, and whispered the words "i love you".


Hope you guys enjoyed!

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