Practice good self-care

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You will love yourself more, when you take better care of your basic needs. People high in self-love nourish themselves daily through healthy activities, like sound nutrition, exercise, proper sleep, intimacy and healthy social interactions.
So make sure no matter how you are feeling, take care of your needs. Trust me when I say it will help. Even a simple shower can lift ones spirits. That can really be as basic as it gets. A nice bath with bubbles even. It helps.
Make sure to eat well but allow yourself treats. In no way am I saying be like Chris from parks and recreation, but I'm saying give your body the nutrients it needs as well as allowing yourself that donut occasionally to lift your mood.
Take a walk, go to the gym. Even just go outside. It will also help release endorphins.
Don't allow yourself to get into habits of not sleeping until 3AM and waking at 12PM, work on improving that as it will increase your energy and mood tremendously.
Don't be antisocial, hang out with friends or family and talk to people! It's surprising how many people are lonely nowadays. It's distressing.
Sex can also be fun, and it's amazing for the mood.
That's just a fact, it's useful tho.
Taking care of very basic needs is an act of self love, even if it doesn't feel like it.

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