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Feelings of anxiety, they come in waves. Sometimes those waves can feel like a tsunami or they can feel like a chaotic beach, and that's okay and it will always be okay no matter how bad it feels. It can feel as though you can't breathe or as though you might not get through it. Know that these feelings, no matter how extreme they may feel, they are temporary.

Anxiety can affect how you think about things, the smallest of gestures can be overthought and suddenly the world can be the scariest place to be. One of the biggest pieces of advice I can gift to you, is the action of second guessing your thoughts. Our minds play tricks on us when we are anxious and it will distort you and your surroundings. Take a moment and ask yourself, "Is this a fact, or is this an opinion?", That's all.

For example, Feelings of self worth come from opinions on yourself. These opinions are not fact. When you are so panicked and you feel as though the world is crumbling around you, know and remind yourself that this is not fact and that this feeling will pass.

What is real is that you're having anxious feelings or destructive thoughts, Or you may be experiencing unpleasant circumstances and what you're going through is very difficult. But what is true is that your thoughts, feelings and circumstances change. Remember what is real and what is true are two different things that should be separated. Often we believe what is real is what is the truth, when that is simply not the case.

Anxiety is very complex and of course, I don't have the medical degree to diagnose you or tell you what to do. But what I do have is many years of therapy and growth. I have had issues with my Mental Health since I was 9 years old and one of the first things I was put in was anxiety based group sessions. Personally I'm not sure what made them think putting me in a room of strangers would help my anxiety but I didn't know any better. I had been given all the basics over the years. Breathing exercises, being told to exercise, doing tasks I enjoyed to distract myself. Often they called these methods of coping, and any website you go on for help will tell you all these things. Trust me when I know that these aren't always much help. I will always advise seeking professional help but I know that isn't available to everyone and that is one of the reasons why I continue to write here today and hope that I am directly helping people that need it in this moment.

I also want to pass on something that it took me a few years to learn. That fear you have that people will judge you? Let them judge. If you fear that others will be uncomfortable about how you speak or what you wear, don't. Let them be that, that's their own issue to figure out. How others feel is not your responsibility, it's theirs and theirs alone. Don't play small, be bold and everything you truly are. It doesn't matter how others feel about it.

You are not alone, and everything you feel is valid. Give yourself the permission slip to be the best you, I hope you know that you are not your thoughts. You are safe, and they can't hurt you.

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