The Pouring Rain Chapter 5

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Sonic sets Bliss down gently on the couch and then looked at his friends.

"So what happened?"

"You, Tails, Knuckles and the entire villagers were under a siren spell." Amy said.


"Eggman turned Bliss into an evil siren and she made you guys attack us."

"Oh I am so sorry guys."

"It's alright." Suddenly, they saw Bliss waking up.

"Bliss! Are you ok?" Sonic asked. Bliss tried to speak but nothing came out. Bliss widened her eyes.

"What happened to her voice?" Sonic asked.

"That's the side effect from the invention I made but don't worry. It'll come back in a few days." Tails said. Bliss lowered her ears a little.

"Hey. It's ok. It's not your fault. We're not mad." Sonic said.

"We always got your back. Or is it my back? I can't remember." Knuckles said. Bliss just lays back down and begins to rest. A few days later, Bliss got her voice back and she decided to walk through town a little. But while she was walking, many people were staring at her with a glare. She had no idea what's going on but she tried to ignore it. When she saw a little kid walking with his mother, Bliss tried waving hello to him but the mother glared at her while holding him closer.

"What is wrong with everyone today?" Bliss saw a table with a bunch of people and decided to sit by them. When they saw that Bliss was coming, they quickly got up and walked away.

"Huh?" Bliss wanted an explanation so she tapped someone's shoulder.

"Excuse me sir? Do you mind telling me what's going on?"

"Why should I tell you traitor?"


"You made us become your slaves! You used us to attack the heros! You're a villain!"

"You don't understand! I..."

"We want you out of our town!"


"But I didn't mean to! I was..."

"Get out!" Bliss quickly ran home but when she got there, she saw some citizens burning her house.

"My house!"

"Take that you hypnosis villain!"

"Think twice before using us as mindless slaves!" They ran off as she watched her house burn down in horror. She fell to her knees and started crying.

Meanwhile, it started to rain and Bliss continued to cry as the rain fell on her. It was raining a bit hard so she didn't really care since she was to upset anyway. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice.

"Bliss!" Bliss didn't bother to look as she continued crying.

"Just leave me alone."

"Bliss. It's me, Sonic. What happened? Why are you sitting in the rain?"

"The citizens in town did this to me. They called me a villain and burned my house down."

"What!? Don't worry Bliss. Come with me." Sonic grabbed her hand and took her to his place.

Here's the sneak peek of the next Chapter
Tails: What!?
Amy: Oh no.

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 6. Have a nice day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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