Fighting For Her Chapter 7

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Bliss arrived at the location and started looking for the mobian who sent her the letter. Sonic was hiding behind the tree watching her quietly.

"Hello? I'm here." Bliss said.

"Glad you came." Bliss' smile faded away as she saw Shadow! Bliss gasped as she backed away quickly. Sonic was about to attack him but then he heard him speak.

"Relax. I'm not going to hurt you." Bliss still closed her eyes, waiting for something to happen but then she smelled something that was near her face. When she opened her eyes, she was shocked to see him with flowers and chocolate.

"For you my dear." Bliss was totally shocked. She slowly took them and looked at them and then at Shadow. Sonic was shocked himself and he was not happy.

" Uh...thanks Shadow." Shadow smiled and gave her a teddy bear. Bliss grabbed it and looked at it.

"It's so cute!"

"Just like you." Bliss blushed at this. Sonic felt his heart ache as he kept watching. Shadow gave her a bag to put her stuff in. Shadow took out his phone and started playing music.

"May I have this dance my dear." Bliss smiled and took his hand and began to dance. Shadow was staring into her eyes.

"So what happened to you Shadow?" She asked.

"Your beauty took my breath away." She blushed as they kept dancing. When Shadow dipped her, he started leaning in towards her lips. Sonic couldn't watch this anymore. He ran towards them and pushed Shadow away from her.

"Stay away from her!" Sonic yelled.

"Sonic?" Shadow got up and growled.

"What are you doing here?" Shadow asked.

"Protecting Bliss from you!"

"She's mine faker." Sonic growled and they began to fight. Bliss was watching them, feeling worried.

"Oh dear." They kept yelling at each other until Sonic threw him towards a boulder pretty hard. Suddenly, his eyes were flashing red and blue. When they finally stopped at red, Shadow looked around and said.

"How did I get here?"

"Don't play dumb! You were trying to steal Bliss from me!"

"Why in the world would I date a hero like her?"

"You don't remember anything?"

"No and I plan not to. I'm out of here." Shadow said as he teleported. Sonic looked at Bliss and blushed a little.

" much did you hear?"


"Bliss...I...." Bliss kissed him on the lips gently and then pulled away.

"I love you Sonic."



"I love you too." They both smiled as they held hands.

Here's a sneak peek of the next Chapter:

Bliss: This is so sweet.
Sonic: *Smiles*

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 8. Have a great day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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