#2 Ron Weasley • Only With Him

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*Reader's POV*

I hate it. I just hate it. The person I fell in love with, is snogging Lavender Brown. They started dating since the party they threw after the Quidditch Match which Gryffindor won with Ron's skills. When Lavender jumped at the stage and kissed Ron, I went to my bedroom and cried... I couldn't sleep that night. We were best friends since our first year and I started to become more and more obsessed with him. He was so cute and loyal but his manners broke my heart. Wasn't it obvious that I loved him?

I quickly went from a different hallway. Then I saw Hermione coming. "Hi, (Y/N)" Hermione said annoyed by the view of Ron and Lavender. "How are you?"

"I don't know, all I see is Ron and Lavender snogging in the hallways. It makes me feel sick."


We walked to our next class. When we got there, a truth hit me. We were taking this class with Ron and Lavender. Thank god to my luck. We sat to a desk with Mione and waited for our professor. It was Potions. Luckily, this year our professor is Professor Slughorn. He was way better than Snape.

Professor Slughorn entered the classroom happily and started the class.

*Time Skip*

"Class is dismissed!" Professor Slughorn told the class. I quickly got out of the classroom but felt a pressure on my arm. When I turned around, I realized it was Ron. He was probably going to ask help for the homework.

"(Y/N), can we talk for a second?" he asked gingerly (lol he has ginger hair and he says it gingerly! Is it only me? Ok). I nodded and he dragged me through some hallways I didn't even know. Then, we stopped in the middle of a hallway.

"Why aren't you talking to me? You just walk away when you see me. What's your problem?" he said curiously. He didn't looked angry, but frustrated. "You." I said "You are always with Lavender hugging or snogging her. And I feel dead inside whenever I see you with her..." I felt tears swelling in my eyes. I noticed that he was so close to me. "That's why I wanted to talk to you. At first, I wanted to be with someone but I made a wrong choice." Ron said quietly. We were inches apart. I felt his breath on my face. I felt very hot at that moment. He closed the gap between us and captured my lips. I can't believe it, I was kissing him! He embraced me and pulled me closer. It felt so good that I never wanted it to stop but all good moments end quickly.

We looked at each other and and he grabbed my hand. "I think everyone needs to know about the latest improvements." Ron said contently. I smiled and we ran to the Great Hall to tell Harry, Hermione, Ginny and any single person we knew. I was happy, but only with him...

[A/N: Sorry if it was a bit short and cliché. I was busy these days. I have a lot of projects and homeworks. I got this idea (it wasn't hard lol) and I thought, why not? Also, please if you have requests, please share it with us. Hope you liked it!]

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