#5 Luna Lovegood • The First Day

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[A/N: Before you read, I want to remind that in this one shot, Neville is not in love with Luna unlike the movie :) ]

*Readers POV*

I know that not a lot of people in Hogwarts like Luna. Even though her last name is Lovegood. A lot of them find her weird. But me, no I don't just find her weird, I think she is the most beautiful girl in the world. She is literally amazing. She knows tons of things that only a few people know. And that makes me go crazy on her.

It's the first day of my second year in Hogwarts. I have a crush on her since my very first day of the school.

I got on the train a few minutes ago. I'm waiting to see Luna. She should be giving out Quibblers right now. She may come any minute. "It's obvious that you are crushing on Luna." said Neville who was sitting next to me. "Agreed." said Ginny. "Why don't you go snog with Harry or something, Ginny?" I said as I looked out the cabin impatiently. "Hey, watch your language!" scolded Ginny. "Still, at least some of us has a valentine." said Neville in a sad way. "Boy, you don't even have someone who you love." I said. "Whatever, you know, whatever."

As I turned left, I saw Luna's hair. I stood up quickly and walked towards her. "May I have one?" I said while grabbing a Quibbler. "Sure." she said and smiled. When she tried to give me the magazine, our hands touched. I blushed and took it from her hand. It was time that I stepped forward and did something. So I put my hand on her shoulder and grabbed her. She turned her back and looked at me. I was stunned. I heard a whisper from Neville. He said "Go for it!". That's why I encouraged myself and kissed her on the cheek. She was suprised at first but then she smiled and put her lips onto mine. My eyes were wide open but I closed them and started kissing her back. Someone shouted "Hey guys get a room!" behind us. She stepped back and looked for the person who said that. After she looked around a bit she turned to me and smiled again. She took my Quibbler and took out a paper and a pen. She wrote something and then whispered to my ear. "Page 7. See you at school."

I opened it quickly as she went away. The note was written neatly and it said:

Loved you since the first day, xoxo

[ A/N : This is my first one shot in this book. This one was kinda different from Beril's style, so it may come strange. Also it's not as long as Beril's. Nearly 1/2 of them. Still, hope you liked it.]

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