#4 Draco Malfoy • Don't Leave Me

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*Reader's POV*

All I could think was Draco. I can't help wondering where he is. I saw him on the Hogwarts train and at the Great Hall. He was always looking sad and desperate. He didn't show up in some classes. After a while, he just disappeared.

There were rumours that he was a Death Eater like his father but I didn't believe it, or I didn't want to believe it.

I was eating with my friends at the Great Hall. I wasn't listening to them, I was reading a book. When my friend said "Hey (Y/N), Draco is there!", I turned around and searched for him. He was standing in the middle of the Great Hall and looking at me anxiously. He turned to another direction and kept looking there. When I looked the direction he was looking, I saw Harry looking at him suspiciously. Draco quickly turned on his heel and walked fast. Harry went after him. I knew that there is going to be a chaos, so I went after them.

They went through many hallways and finally, they went into the boys bathroom. Really? I waited in front of the bathroom, and then I heard a pipe burst and them shooting spells at each other. A few seconds later, I heard a sigh and a sob, it was Draco's. I never heard him cry and it made my heart shatter into pieces. I heard the steps getting closer to the door, so I hid after a wall. Harry quickly got off the place to not get caught there.

I went into the bathroom to find Draco on the floor, that was all covered with water and his blood. "Oh god, Draco! Sorry, it can sting a bit." I said with panic. "Vulnera Sanentur..." I repeated the spell until all of his wounds got healed.

He slowly sat up and looked at me. "Thank you for saving my life. I owe you..." he said.

"Your welcome, I've read this spell in a book in the Restricted Section but I need to ask you something. Where were you? I was worried about you." I said.

"Everything is complicated but they threaten me, the Death Eaters."

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"They want to kill Dumbledore, so they can easily get to Harry. They gave me that mission. At first, I didn't want to do it but if I don't kill Dumbledore, they'll torture you and I don't want it to happen because I think I'm in love with you!" he sobbed in his hands.

"I love you too." I knew that there was a part of Draco that loves and cares. He turned to me and hugged me. I stroked his blonde hair. I felt safe in his arms. I didn't want to lose him. He backed away after a few seconds and crashed his lips onto mine. I returned the kiss and sat on his lap to be closer to him. It was a passionate and heated kiss.

We pulled away and I said, "Please don't leave me ever again..."

[ A/N : So as always, I hope you liked it. I've decided to write a Fred Weasley love story. I don't have much ideas at the moment but I'll try to update it as much as possible. I'm going to publish the first chapter probably this week. If I didn't post it, it means that I'm drowning in homeworks or I don't have any creative and interesting ideas. Okay anyways, request whatever you want and enjoy the imagine! ]

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