#3 Neville Longbottom • Amazing Gift

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[requsted by Hufflegal ]

*Reader's POV*

(Y/N) entered the Great Hall and went to the Gryffindor table to talk to her best friend, Neville. They got on pretty well and (Y/N) started to have feelings for him for the past few months. She thought he was cute and loyal.

"Hey, how are you doing (Y/N)?" Neville said. "What's wrong?" he asked when he realized you were upset.

"I'm fine actually, I got a bad score in the Herbology test... but I'm okay," I said. "Well, I think."

"That, not good... What about me training you to the next test, so you'll have a good grade?"

"Oh, I don't kno-"

"I'm very good at Herbology and I can help you study! Come on, I'm your best friend. Please let me help you." he pleaded. He always wanted to help me and I wanted too. That's what best friends are for, right?

"Ok, you convinced me!" I laughed at his persistence. "So, when do we start?"

"We can start tomorrow." he told. With Neville's help, I will probably ace all the tests, I thought.

*Time Skip*

We were at the library, studying with Neville. It had been almost 2 hours since we started working.

"Ugghhh!" I grouched while Neville was carrying more books he found. "I can't learn all these stuff in 2 weeks! I can't memorize all of them. Sorry Neville but even if you help me I won't have a good grade!"

"Yes, you can..." he stated. "You just need to be confident. You are smart, (Y/N) and I'll train you for this test very well."

"Maybe I just need to take extra classes..."

"No, let's make a bet. If you ace the test, you will get a reward. If you don't, we'll see."

I was willing to pass the test. I wonder what was the reward. Something from Zonko's... or butterbeer? I didn't really know, but it will be something cool.

*Time Skip*

"Neville!" I ran to the Great Hall and hugged him so hard that could crush his bones. "What did you get?" he asked curiously.

"I got an A!" I said, pridefully.

"I'm so proud of you! C'mon, I'll give you your gift." He dragged me to the Gryffindor Common Room. "Close your eyes..." he said when we arrived. I did as he said and I felt something wet and warm on my lips. I realized that he was kissing me. I put my arms around his neck and we kissed for a minute.

When we were seperated I told him "I think I'm going to pass all my exams this year for this amazing gift!"

[ A/N : I hope you liked it!! You didn't give a specific plot, so I chose to write something like this. I'm not good at writing some characters lol but it didn't turn out that bad. If you have requests, please tell us the character and the plot or the event happening. You don't have to tell every detail but we want to write stories like you want and that you will enjoy. Have a good day! ]

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