Their Love [Ending 1 | Chiwa & Vegeta / Kitsune & Lea]

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Chiwa's POV:
Thoughts were racing in the back of my head. I had to make a decision...and fast. I didn't have a lot of time on me.

My eyes were focused on Vegeta's bare chest as he climbs on top of me.

"Chiwa.." he blows in my ear. This wasn't the first time, but my body couldn't help, but tremble at the echo of his voice.

Did I want this? Was this enough to make me forget Lea eternally? Would he forget Kitsune altogether? *throb*

I could feel my heart tightening as I's not just me going through this. It wasn't just me feeling this way...feeling this...pain.

It was my turn to think about how Vegeta felt. Did he still let her into his thoughts? Was Kitsune in the back of his mind as Lea was in mine? Did he shudder at each glimpse he got of them?

At these occurring thoughts, I couldn't help, but feel so sad.. I could feel my brows starting to scrunch forward and my eyes watering.

"Wh-what is it? What's gotten into you?" Vegeta questions upon realizing what my face may have looked like. "What's wrong??"

Squeezing my eyes, I grab him by the neck, pulling myself up. "I'm so sorry." I mouth out in a quiet whisper. "I'm so so sorry."

Vegeta slowly brings his arms around my back in response, not sure of what was going on. "Um, do you, uh, want to talk about it?" he questions awkwardly in his sincerest way possible. Vegeta isn't quite known as someone to get all mushy feely so I knew he meant well by how he asked that.

I lean back so I could properly face him. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were hurting all this time."

"Hurting? Me? From what?" Vegeta asks, sort of confused. "You don't need to hide it," I move a hand to his cheek. "I know you've been bearing your feelings for Kitsune all this time."

"What? Me? Woman, have you not been getting enough sleep again?" he questions, sort of concerned.

"I just want you to be happy.." I mumble. "And you don't think I am??" He questions once more.

"I see the way you look at them.. You think I won't notice?" I question back. "Notice what? That I'm jealous of the way you look at them?" he remarks. "YES!!!- wait, what? What do you mean?" I was getting confused.

Just where was this conversation leading up to? I thought this was gonna be Vegeta's night, in me helping him talk about how he feels, but I feel like this was just something going back to me again.

"I notice the way you look at him whenever he's with her." he explains, referring to Kitsune. "I don't understand what you're implying...." I answer as I begin wiping my eyes. "Every time they decide to make a move on each other, you start staring at them like you still have feelings for him. Like you're some kind of sick, jealous pup. You're not "Chiwawa", you're a Chihuahua."

What the heck? Just what exactly was he getting at? I admit I was feeling a little irritable and awkward as things went on, but "Chihuahua"?

"I'd rather not have you call me that with such meaning behind it." I answer with slight agitation in my voice. "And me jealous? The jealous one is you! I see you over there making glances over at your ex lover. It wasn't just me, y'know." I explain further, trying not to raise my voice, but rolling my eyes.

"The only reason I would seem jealous is because my woman keeps looking over at her ex mate." he scowls. "What?" I let out a breath. "You heard me. Why do I have to make myself so damn clear for you to get it?" Vegeta lets go of me and repositions himself at the side of the bed.

"I thought you would be jealous because Lea was with her." Referring to Kitsune. Vegeta draws back, puffing a large amount of air out from his chest. "I was jealous because I thought your heart still swayed for that red headed freak."

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