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Monks trailed behind the dark haired girl, not completely trusting her with her weapons near other students.

Its not that Cora wasn't trustworthy with the weapons, it was just... Well she wasn't.

None of the staff at King's Dominion really trusted her. In her first week at King's Dominion, some things might've happened and now Master Lin had forbidden Cora with weapons near other students.

Sure she had a bumpy past, what student didn't? But the way the young girl had acted was no excuse.

Master Lin was a little bit unsure of allowing Cora Kennedy to help gather Saya's pledge, believing the young Suroki could do it herself, but Marìa and Saya had made him believe she would be okay.

Despite Cora's troubles she was a sweet girl that believed being a kind person would make up for her psychopathic tendencies.

She was a kind person, though having many dark thoughts, she was different from all the other students. When she first started at King's Dominion three years ago she was called a rat constantly, the terrible name calling was just one thing.

When she couldn't take it anymore she snapped. Grabbing the small dagger, she used to always carry, she plundged into Sarah West's perfectly manicured hand. When monks tried to stop her she sliced away, waking up in the infirmary without a scratch a couple days later.

She felt bad afterwards but used everyone's fear to her advantage. No one called her names, no one messed with her, and absolutely no one wanted to associate with her.

She was fine. Many people had groups of legacies they hung out with, like Soto Vatos or the Dixie Mob, but Cora had her own little clique that consisted of herself.

She liked to call it D.E.A.T.H., Don't Ever Ask The Hermit, so people wouldn't try to make conversation with the antisocial girl.

Cora liked being by herself. Having friends made you weak. But she wouldn't know about friends.

Cora eyed the dark haired boy are he snatched a half-eaten Big Mac from the garbage and took a large bite. Her nose scrunched up as she slowly trailed behind him.

She felt bad for the child murderer. Marcus Lopez Arguello. What a sad boy.

She turned her head slightly and gave a signal to Saya, who was on the roof of a nearby building, saying that she was about to move in.

Waiting till Marcus wasn't paying attention and rammed her shoulder into his, making her and his Big Mac fall towards the floor.

"Fucking shit." Marcus cursed as the smaller body stared aimlessly up at the sky.

Marcus barely noticed the girl, if she hadn't of spoken up he would've walked away.

"Jesus Christ, am I dead?" She muttered sarcastically.

Marcus looked down and his eyes widened in surprise. "I-I'm sorry." He said quickly, grasping her forearm and hoisting her up.

Okay Cora, act sweet. Maybe flirt a little, lure him in!

"No, I'm sorry." She pointed to the old Big Mac that was on the floor, "I ruined your food, gosh I'm such a clumsy person."

Marcus shook his head, "No it's totally fine, I swear."

She bit her lip lightly and furrowed her brows. "You sure?"

He nodded and waved it off with a small laugh, "Yeah, my Big Mac had pickles in it anyway."

A grin grew on Cora's face and she clapped excitedly, "I know," Cora slowly started to walk away before turning back and pointing a finger toward the confused boy. "I won't be long. Stay right there I'm gonna buy you another burger."

"You don't have t─"

"Oh hush, I'll be right back."

   It wasn't long till Cora was tapping on Marcus' shoulder with a grin. She had a large soda in one hand, the other held a large paper bad with a large red 'M'.

She motioned towards a bench not that far from the corner where they bumped into each other.

They sat down, Cora setting the bag on his lap. "No pickles." She clarified with a nod.

Marcus gave her a wide grin, "You really didn't have to."

Cora let out a laugh and gave a small shrug. "I mean I don't usually buy people food, but I once made a small exception for a cute guy." She knocked her shoulder against his.

Marcus rose his brows and sheepishly smiled, "Oh?"

"Mhm." She brought a hand to his face and traced a scar that ran across his eye. "Very mysterious, cute boy."


Marcus then, not so politely, took a large bite of his new Big Mac. Cora tried not to cringe as he then took a large slurp of his soda with his cheeks filled with McDonalds.

Cora awkwardly looked off to the side where Billy Bennett was lazily moving his skate board with his foot.

"Well I must be going, it was lovely to bump into you." Cora said, thinking about sticking a hand out for him to shake but then noticing his greasy hands.

"Mh, nice to meet you too." Marcus acknowledged through a mouth full of food.

As she walked by Billy she placed a five dollar bill in his hands, knowing she lost their bet. "You men have absolutely no manners."

not edited

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