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Cora waited patiently as she stood next to María. Chico, who was on thin ice, was supposed to be giving Cora money for a job she happily did for him.

A member of a rivalling gang in San Diego had killed a child of one of the Soto Vatos. They came to the dark haired murderer knowing it was better to send someone else to not start a war with the other gang.

Cora had killed the man, he was in his mid-fourties with a nasty attitude named Raul, and made it look like a suicide.

Cora was suddenly being pulled away. Her eyes turned into daggers as she pried her hand out of Marìa's grip. "What the hell?"

Marìa nodded her head towards an open locker and whispered, "Marcus."

Cora rose her lip in disgust. "Marìa no. Leave him alone." Her eyes shifted to the boy as he pulled out a small doll that clearly had a knife through it. "Chico will murder him."

"Have some faith, chica." Marìa then, totally against Cora's request, made her way towards Marcus.

"Whatever." The dark haired girl muttered to herself as she made her way towards the Soto Vatos' leader.

Chico turned his attention towards her and nodded to Juan. "Pay her."

Juan handed her an envelope and then walked back to Chico. The leader gave her a hand shake.

"Extra for the cover up, nice touch." Chico commented. An angry look crossed his face when he looked over Cora's shoulder.

Cora turned as well to see Marìa all over Marcus. Chico cleared his throat loudly, "Wanna make some more mone─"

"I don't kill other students, have a nice day Chico." She flipped the gang leader off and made her way to her first class.


Cora felt bad for Marcus. She felt as if the only reason he came to King's Dominion was for a place to stay and maybe some food to eat, but no. He got, whatever the hell Billy was drinking, all over him and a death threat from Chico.

Barely even his first day and Cora felt like she had to help him. Normally she ignore the 'rats', Billy an exception because he always scored good weed, because she didn't need to have another back to watch.

In all honesty she had been avoiding him because of the little meet up. She wanted him to think she was just a nice person on the streets that bought him a meal. Yeah no.

They had Poison 101 as well as AP Dark Arts, not to mention of course lunch.

He sat next to Billy Bennett, helping along with Billy and Petra's small scheme against Viktor.

The room smelt disgusting and Cora couldn't help but say something that got Marcus' attention.

Her very loud "Jesus Christ Viktor, you smell worse then an overheated porta-potty outside of a construction site" had caught his and the whole class's attention.

Cora grimaced back at the thought of how her snapped his head towards her in shock.

It was now lunch and Cora was seated at her table. D.E.A.T.H. was a small group that consisted of her, herself, oh and Cora. She was the Hermit.

When Cora wasn't out killing or attending classes she was in her room rocking out or occasionally inviting Willie over to discuss comics, but that was it.

She didn't have girls night because the only girls Cora talked to were Saya and Marìa but she didn't consider them friends. Petra was a tad bit rude for Cora's liking. Don't get Cora started on Brandy, she went down that road and will probably never go down it.

A tray was placed in front of Cora. The dark haired killer clenched her jaw and look to the culprit.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She growled at Marcus.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise, he awkwardly looked around to see many students staring at the D.E.A.T.H. table.

"E─ating?" He questioned her with a small cheeky grin.

"If you do not move I will have no other option but to harm you, and Marcus I really really," The girl let out a loud huff, "do not want to get blood on this uniform."

Marcus had stopped the fork that he was bringing to his mouth and stared at the girl. She was serious.

"Can I at least move down?" He asked in a small unsure voice.

An annoyed sigh left Cora's mouth. "Fine, I was leaving anyway."

"Maybe I could accompany you?"

     "Piss off."


this book is not dead i swear.

    kay, so I might be two or three episodes behind on deadly class and have yet to watch any of the show so please no one spoil anything past episode eight. thank you!

feedback is much appreciated! follow me, im almost to three hundred!!



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