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Cora's eyes watched the police officers as they looked closely at Marcus, obviously recognizing him.

She sent a nod to Willie Lewis. Then she watched with calculating eyes as he approached Marcus, talking to him.

Marcus then started to run and that was their cue.

Marìa attacked first by slicing at an officer with her dagger-fans, as he fell to the floor she turned around and thew a flasher on the floor. Cora gave a satisfied smile as the police officer fell back and away from the sparks.

Billy was next, running up to an officer and slamming his skateboard into the officer's face. He skated away like nothing happened.

Cora skipped towards the police car. She made sure the coast clear before throwing one of her daggers into a tire.

Cora smiled happily as the sound of air being released reached her ears.

Joyfully she skipped away, being sure to grab the dagger. Then she walked into line with Billy and Marìa.

She gave Marìa a wink and slung her arm around her shoulders. "You two did good." She gave Billy a small fist bump. "Nice moves, Billy."

The punk gave her a small grin, "Thanks, surprised you didn't kill anyone." At her blank stare he held his hands up. "Absolutely no offense."

Marìa rolled her eyes as the trio made their way to Willie's car. "Keep talking and she might just kill you."

"I'm not gonna kill anyone," Cora rolled her eyes lightly and she got into the front seat of Willie's car. "With my bloodlust I'd probably kill everyone."


Cora felt bad for the boy who was seated and had a bag over his head. Saya had gotten him here but she wasn't so sure it was willingly.

Cora had met up with Master Lin when they first arrived back at King's Dominion. He, of course, had taken her daggers and put them far away from her.

Now here she was in a meat freezer, surrounded by dead animals, her fellow class mates, and a homeless murderer tied to a chair.

It was silent, no one willing to talk. Marcus tied to a chair and across from him were the five delinquents.

"Well... As much fun as this is, I must really be going, have fun." Cora said, throwing a peace sign to everyone in the room.

Saya opened her mouth to protest but quieted down when she was shot a look by the dark haired woman, warning her that this was as far as she'd go.

Billy gave a small wave, Marìa blew her a kiss, and Willie returned her peace sign. Then, with a small skip in her step, Cora was off to her dorm room.


uuuggghhhh, i have so many ideas and so little time. it sucks. man when will it be spring breaaakkk

i hate university, but if i ever want to succeed in life this is where i shall be for the rest of the year.

allllssssooooooo, mama has an idea for an Umbrella Academy book. would anybody be interested?? diego??????



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