A new old friend

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(Jade's P.O.V)

I was explaining to Lily one of the best shops to get weapons and armor from when I heard a familiar voice.

"We meet again, Jade," A girl in a long brown coat said as she stepped out of the shadows.

She lifted the hood of her coat off her face and I saw her. My old best friend,

Lizzy King. She's a full angel and hunts down demons to capture them like I do.

I met Lizzy when I visited Heaven because my mom was an angel but she thought I should live on Earth with my aunt (she was married to a human and cast down here like Ariana) because it was more safe.

I ended up making friends with this girl named Lizzy in heaven when I was 7 and she was 8.

We ended up being the best of friends but when my mom died from a demon when I was 12, I became depressed and stopped going to Heaven.

Ever since then, I practice fighting everyday so I wouldn't have to end up like my mother and have to die loosing the people I love.

I stared at Lizzy while she stared back.

I couldn't hold in the tears so I let one slip out and ran to hug Lizzy.

"I missed you!" I cried. "I'm so sorry I regret the day I decided to never go back to heaven.

Lizzy hugged me back and laughed.

I pulled away from the hug and realized that Lily and Ariana were standing there waiting for an introduction.

"Oh..ahem..Lily, Ariana, this is Lizzy King." I said

"Lily," I said gesturing to Lily. "Lizzy." I said pointing to Lizzy.

"Ariana," I said pointing at Ariana this time. "Lizzy."

"Nice to meet you!" Lizzy said with a bright smile.

"So YOU'RE the Oh-So-Famous Lizzy King! Jade has talked about you a lot!" Said Lily cheerfully.

Lizzy laughed. "So I can tell I'm quite popular over here" She joked.

"You two should hang out together and catch up on 6 years of friendship." Lily said. "While Ariana and I get something to eat because I'm Huuuuuungry!"

"So... What happened the past 6 years are why are you here on earth?" I asked.

"I guess I have a lot of explaining to do.." Lizzy sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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