Chapter 2: Cross Academy

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I was getting dressed into my uniform (picture above) when Zero walked in.
"Hey... you ready" he said in a calm relaxing voice
I slowly turn to look at him with a black stare in my eyes. "Yes...." I said in a low voice and I walked out my room holding Zero's hand.

Her hands are so cold but soft.... she hasn't really acted like herself ever since that horrible night we lost our family. I couldn't blame her... it changed me as well... physical and emotionally, but I try to restrain myself... for her. She looks so weak like a fragile glass doll that could shatter any minute, but I know she's strong... she just doesn't like to show others. As we were walking down stairs I hear Yuki calling out to us
"ZEROO, KIRAA... ARE YOU REA- oh... hey guys" she said in an excited tone
"Hey" was all I could say back.
"Good, then lets get going" Yuki said as we walked out the door and walked to school.


I sat down next to my best friend Yori and looked over at Zero who was sitting down next to Kira right behind me.
Zero looked calm as he stared straight ahead not looking at me or his sister... I couldn't help but wonder why he only showed sympathy to Kira and no one else.
"Something wrong" Zero said as his voice broke my daze.
"Oh, yeah, im fine" I said as I rubbed the back of my head nervously until our teacher, Mr. Yagari, came in I instantly turned around.
"Someone's jumpy" Yori said giggling a little
"Well... im just trying to stay focused today so I don't keep failing" I said.
"That's the least of your problems" Zero said as I turned to look at him.
"Hey, what does that me-" I was cut off. "Now class, everyone pay attention.. because im not repeating myself" Mr. Yagari said as I turned myself to look at him. "Sigh... this isn't gonna be easy.... then again, when is it" I thought to myself as class started.


It was geeting kinda late and Yuki already went ahead outside to try and block off the fangirls that were going crazy over the night class as always. Me and Zero were walking slowly outside as I held his hand to meet Yuki at the gates. When I got there I took a deep breath and ran up to help Yuki block off the girls.
"ALRIGHT, EVERYONE BACK UP" Yuki said as we tried to push them back
"Can we please just get this over with" I said in my normal voice as the gates began to open and the screams of the girls got louder and they started pushing us back more.
"EVERYONE BACK UP" Yuki yelled as I turned to see my brother holding off the girls on the other side and before I knew it I was pushed so hard by the girls that I fell to the floor in front of the night class students who all stopped walking. "KIRA" Zero yelled but couldn't help as he was holding off the girls and Yuki was busy as well. As I tried to get up myself I saw someone holding a hand out to me. "Are you alright miss" a voice said. "Yes I think so" I said as I took hold of the persons hand and looked up to see who it was but when I saw him I was in shock. "Lord kaname... please forgive me im so very sorry" I said in a worried voice as I bowed to him. "Its alright, no need to apologize" he said. As I looked up at him he immediately froze in shock as he looked into my eyes. "I-is something wrong.... did I do something" I stuttered, afraid of what he might do to me since I'm aware he's a vampire as well as the others. Kaname immediately went back to reality as his expression looked more relaxed. "No, you didn't do anything, I thought I just saw something, please forgive me" he said as he bowed putting his hand over his heart. Everyone one behind him and the fangirls, even Yuki and Zero looked a bit surprised. "O-oh.. ok, well I hope you have a good lesson.. and thank you for helping me" I said as I stepped out of the way so he and the others could pass. "Not a problem..... Lady Kira" he said as he whispered the last part a little to where only me and the other night class students could hear as we all showed a shocked expression as they all walked in and the doors closed behind them... leaving me blushing a little.
"ALRIGHT EVERYONE BACK TO YOUR DORMS" Yuki said. As everyone started leaving I kept looking at the front doors remembering what Kaname said to me as Zero came up to me.
"Hey" I turned around and look at Zero. "Huh" was all I could say. "What did kaname say to you" he said sounding a little angry as Yuki came walking up to us. "Well, what did he say" zero said again. "He didn't say anything... he just called me... Lady Kira" I said sounding a little confuse. "Well kaname likes to be polite sometimes, is that so bad" Yuki said slapping Zero on the back.
"Still..... seems a little weird" Zero said rubbing his shoulder as I laughed a little. "Anyway we got work to do so lets go.. and no playing hooky Zero" Yuki said pointing a finger a Zero. "Yeah yeah, I got it" Zero said as I walked by him smiling a little.

"Kira is no ordinary girl, even if she is the daughter of the Kiryu vampire hunters. There's something about her that doesn't make sense" I thought to myself as I was interrupted.
"Lord Kaname.... Why did you treat that girl in a polite manner" Hanabusa said said. "Yeah... she acts kinda strange" Ruka added. "Because...there's something about her that I can't put my finger on" I said while looking out the window. "Like what"? Takuma asked. "I don't quite know... but I'll figure it out... sooner or later" I stated and with that, the room went silent as class started. "Just who are Kira Kiryu...."? I asked myself as I took my seat and looked at the moon.

Soooooo..... did you enjoy this chapter, I hope you did. If I misspelled anything plz let me know. I'm an 8th grader so I can't really spell good.... or write good so you can let me know if something is wrong. I hope you continue to like this story because me chapters are to come.

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